techcrunch是什么意思 techcrunch的中文翻译、读音、例句

techcrunch是什么意思 techcrunch的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:TechCrunch Disrupt (TechCrunch举办的科技创新会议), TechCrunch50 (TechCrunch举办的科技创新竞赛)




1. TechCrunch covers the latest technological innovations and breaking news in the tech industry.


2. The TechCrunch conference is a great opportunity for startups to showcase their newest products and technologies.


3. To keep up with the latest developments in the tech industry, I regularly read TechCrunch.


4. The TechCrunch50 competition is known for discovering the best and brightest new startups in the tech industry.


5. As a tech enthusiast, I find TechCrunch to be an essential source of information and analysis.


6. TechCrunch has been at the forefront of reporting on the latest trends and developments in the tech industry.


7. The TechCrunch Disrupt conference brings together some of the most innovative and influential leaders in the tech industry.

TechCrunch Disrupt会议汇聚了科技行业最具创新和影响力的领袖。







例句:Now, these results are quite compelling among start-ups that launched at TechCrunch but field data can merely tell us that there's a correlational relationship between regulatory focus and funding. (这些结果在TechCrunch上启动的 初创企业中相当有说服力, 但实地数据只能告诉我们调节定向 和融资之间存在相关关系。)


例句:Arrington, a onetime Silicon Valley attorney, was an occasional angel investor before founding TechCrunch in 2005. (阿灵顿曾是硅谷的一名律师,xx年创办TechCrunch之前,也曾是一名天使投资人。)


例句:He had TechCrunch, Recode, and PandoDaily. (包括TechCrunch Recode和PandoDaily[均为科技新闻网站] He hit TechCrunch, Recode, and PandoDaily.)


例句:Well, I got the chance to test this hypothesis on companies with similar quality and funding needs across all years at the funding competition known as TechCrunch Disrupt Startup Battlefield has run in New York City since its inception in 2010. (翻译:在纽约市举办的 自xx年设立的 名为TechCrunch Disrupt Startup battle 的融资竞赛中, 我找机会从有相似品质 和融资需求的公司身上 验证了这一假设。)


1. He had TechCrunch, Recode, and PandoDaily. (翻译:包括TechCrunch Recode和PandoDaily[均为科技新闻网站] He hit TechCrunch, Recode, and PandoDaily.)

2. Well, I got the chance to test this hypothesis on companies with similar quality and funding needs across all years at the funding competition known as TechCrunch Disrupt Startup Battlefield has run in New York City since its inception in 2010. (翻译:在纽约市举办的 自xx年设立的 名为TechCrunch Disrupt Startup battle 的融资竞赛中, 我找机会从有相似品质 和融资需求的公司身上 验证了这一假设。)

3. We are not doing TechCrunch. Okay. (翻译:we are not doing TechCrunch.)

4. Why would he announce it so far ahead of the actual rollout? (翻译:TechCrunch视频 [美国著名IT博客] 离正式发布还早着呢 他怎么现在就宣布了 Why would he announce it so far ahead of the actual rollout?)

5. It inspired me to call TechCrunch and offer to be their keynote speaker. (翻译:所以我给科技博客打了个电话 It inspired me to call TechCrunch 想给他们做一场专题演讲 and offer to be their keynote speaker.)

6. This is the fourth time we've redesigned TechCrunch since launching in 2005. (翻译:自从techcrunch xx年上线后,这是我们第四次改版。)

7. The Japanese gaming company DeNA, which is traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, reported robust first quarter earnings today. (翻译:据国外科技博客TechCrunch报道,在东京证交所上市的日本游戏公司DeNA今天发布的盈利报告显示其发展势头强劲。)

8. TechCrunch stirred up the tech world today when it posted that the launch opf a Google music service was "imminent" . (翻译:今天,TechCrunch网站发布的消息在科技界掀起波澜,网站张贴文章说,谷歌“即将”推出音乐服务。)

9. TechCrunch's Michael Arrington asked Schmidt directly: "What are the hard things to be solved in search in the next ten years? " (翻译:TechCrunch网络创始人迈克尔阿灵顿施密特直接质问施密特说:“在未来的xx年中你认为研究领域中最难被解决的问题是什么?”)

10. At which point, according to an interview with TechCrunch Klein and Getty get distinctly less comfortable. (翻译:根据对TechCrunch的克莱因和盖提的采访,就Pinterest商业化而言,人们对其的满意度大大减少。)

11. This includes AOL's technology blogs TechCrunch and Engadget as well as its music and Patch local media sites. (翻译:其中包括美国在线的科技博客TechCrunch和Engadget,以及它的音乐网站和地方媒体网站联盟“Patch”。)

12. Why technology may be the new smoking. (TechCrunch)? (翻译:科技何以像吸烟一样致瘾? )

13. Intuit founder Scott Cook had a great quote on this at a TechCrunch event this week. (翻译:关于这一点,伊特公司创始人斯科特·库克在TechCrunch的本周新闻中有一段很好的引言。)

14. Well, it took a while, but I got my hands on all the videos of both the pitches and the Q and A sessions from TechCrunch, and I had them transcribed. (翻译:这花了点时间, 找到了来自TechCrunch的 所有的演示和问答环节的视频, 并把它们转录成文本。)

15. "It's cool, but it's a little gimmicky, " said Michael Arrington, founder and co-editor of the technology news Web site TechCrunch. (翻译:“它很酷,但是它有点像儿戏。”技术新闻网站TechCrunch的创始人兼合作编辑迈克尔·阿灵顿说。)

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