kirby是什么意思 kirby的中文翻译、读音、例句

kirby是什么意思 kirby的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Kirby系列游戏


- Kirby is a classic platform game series that has been around for decades.

- I love playing Kirby games because they are so cute and fun.

- The latest Kirby game, Kirby Star Allies, introduces new characters and gameplay mechanics.

- Kirby's Dream Land was the first game in the Kirby series and was released in 1992.

- Some of the most popular Kirby games include Kirby's Adventure, Kirby Super Star, and Kirby's Dream Land 3.

2. Kirby采样器


- The Kirby sampler is a great tool for musicians who want to experiment with new sounds.

- I bought a Kirby sampler last year and I love using it to make beats.

- The Kirby sampler is also great for live performances because you can manipulate sounds in real time.

- Some famous musicians who use the Kirby sampler include Daft Punk and Aphex Twin.

- Kirby samplers come in a range of sizes and prices, so there's something for everyone.

3. Kirby勇者


- I've been playing Kirby Fighters for weeks and I still can't beat all the levels.

- Kirby Heroes is a fun game to play on your phone during your commute.

- The graphics in Kirby Quest are amazing and really bring the game to life.

- Kirby Battle Royale is a multiplayer game where you can compete against other players from around the world.

- I like Kirby's Dream Course because it's a unique take on the traditional golf game.

4. Kirby公司


- I hired Kirby to clean my carpets and they did a great job.

- Kirby also offers air duct cleaning services to help improve indoor air quality.

- The Kirby salesperson came to my door and offered me a free demo of their cleaning services.

- Kirby is known for their high-quality cleaning equipment and products.

- If you need help cleaning up after a big event, Kirby is the company to call.




1. Kirby吸入了一个敌人,然后变成了那个敌人并可以使用它的能力。 (日语:カービィは敵を吸い込んで、その能力を使うことができる。)

2. 和朋友们一起玩Kirby的联机模式真的很有趣。(英语:Playing Kirby's online mode with friends is really fun.)

3. Kirby是许多人小时候的回忆,也是很多人的童年生活中不可或缺的一部分。(中文:Kirby is a childhood memory for many people and an essential part of their childhood.)

4. 我在玩Kirby时总是选择使用火焰技能,因为这个技能很强。(韩语:나는 항상 카비의 불 기술을 사용합니다. 그 기술이 강하기 때문이죠.)

5. Kirby是一个拥有可爱外表和强大能力的角色。(西班牙语:Kirby es un personaje con una apariencia linda y habilidades poderosas.)

6. Kirby可以用吸入来攻击敌人并通过吞咽敌人来吸收他们的能力。(法语:Kirby peut attaquer les ennemis en les aspirant et absorber leurs pouvoirs en les avalant.)

7. Kirby的形象很受小朋友的欢迎,因为它非常可爱。(德语:Kirby ist bei Kindern sehr beliebt, weil er sehr niedlich ist.)

8. Kirby是一个非常有趣且受欢迎的角色,被许多人认为是任天堂系列中的经典角色之一。(阿拉伯语:كيربي شخصية ممتعة وشعبية للغاية، وتعتبر واحدة من الشخصيات الكلاسيكية في سلسلة نينتندو.)

9. 我的孩子们喜欢玩Kirby游戏,他们非常喜欢这个可爱的角色。(俄语:Мои дети любят играть в игру Кирби и очень любят этого милого персонажа.)



1. Kirby loves to play video games on weekends.(Kirby喜欢在周末玩电子游戏。)

2. I met Kirby at a party last night.(昨晚我在派对上遇见了Kirby。)




例句:Kirby and Kaufer labeled hippocampal cells created over a three-day period in a group of rats, and then conditioned a fear response in these rats two weeks later. (科比和考芙首先对一群大鼠新生3天的神经元进行标记,接着在两周后让这些大鼠建立了一个恐惧性条件反射。)


例句:Everybody that reads comic books knows that Kirby's Silver Surfer is the only true Silver Surfer. (看过漫画书的人都知道 科彼的银色冲浪者才是最棒的)


例句:To my surprise, there was old Mr. Kirby sitting in his porch swing. He waved at me. "That you? " he yelled. (令我惊讶的是老科比还坐在门廊的秋千上,他向我打招呼喊道:“是你吗?”)


例句:The connors' said Kirby was badly beaten up a month ago, at which time he was in custody on a DY and resisting-arrest beef. (翻译:但法医说大约一个月前 Kirby Hines曾遭受一顿殴打 那时Luscom因醉酒驾驶和拒捕被拘留)


kirby一般作为名词使用,如在Kirby calculus([网络] 卡比微积分)、kirby grip(= hairgrip)、kirby grips([网络] kirby手柄)等常见短语中出现较多。

Kirby calculus[网络] 卡比微积分
kirby grip= hairgrip
kirby grips[网络] kirby手柄
Kirby Hill[地名] 柯比希尔 ( 英 )
kirby pin[网络] kirby针
kirby pins[网络] kirby针
West Kirby[地名] 西柯比 ( 英 )


1. To my surprise, there was old Mr. Kirby sitting in his porch swing. He waved at me. "That you? " he yelled. (翻译:令我惊讶的是老科比还坐在门廊的秋千上,他向我打招呼喊道:“是你吗?”)

2. The connors' said Kirby was badly beaten up a month ago, at which time he was in custody on a DY and resisting-arrest beef. (翻译:但法医说大约一个月前 Kirby Hines曾遭受一顿殴打 那时Luscom因醉酒驾驶和拒捕被拘留)

3. With the ultraviolet spotlight, Kirby was able to see individual particles of oil-stained sand rolling along the beach. (翻译:通过紫外聚光灯,Kirby可以看到在沙滩上散布的沾了石油的沙砾。)

4. All right. What about Harry Kirby? We haven't seen him in ages. (翻译:好吧 那哈里·科比呢 我们好多年没见过他了)

5. We had to pretend Captain Bennett's death... so General Kirby would become agitated... and lead us to you. (翻译:我们必须让班奈特装死 让克比将军带我们找到你)

6. "Post-Memorial Day, the bookings have been extremely strong, but the pricing environment has remained weak, " he said. (翻译:“纪念日假期后的预订量非常大,但价格环境仍然疲软,”Kirby说。)

7. If you send the sheriff over, I'll have Kirby's killer in ten minutes or so. (翻译:要是你派警长过来 差不多10分钟后 我就能揪出杀kirby的凶手)

8. Glad our man, Shay Kirby, was able to help you out with that Judge, Michael. (翻译:麦克,很高兴咱们小柯 帮你搞定了那位法官)

9. Kirby is entitled half of your money, if your marriage is in trouble that would make you pretty unhappy, wouldn't it? (翻译:Kirby可以分到你一半的钱 如果你婚姻不幸福 会让你很不爽了 是吧?)

10. Yeah, Kirby wouldn't win any penmanship awards. - It's mostly illegible. (翻译:是啊 Kirby绝对不会赢任何书法比赛 这字儿太难辨认了)

11. - No. Only Kirby doesn't want to tell you, so you beat him up until he does tell you. (翻译:只是Kirby不愿意告诉你 于是你把他打了一顿 直到他告诉你)

12. Kirby soon found out what kind of woman you are, and he broke it off, yes? (翻译:Kirby不久就看出你的本性 然后他要分手 是吧?)

13. Kirby said he doesn't know of a more effective oil-detecting tool than ultraviolet light. (翻译:Kirby说他还未见过比紫外线更有效的油污探测工具。)

14. I swear on my mom's grave I didn't kill Kirby. (翻译

15. Kirby Ferguson and JT: The remix: It is new music created from old music. (翻译:克比.福吉森 / 朱利安.崔吉: 混搭曲,这是用旧歌曲创造的新音乐 )

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