matilda是什么意思 matilda的中文翻译、读音、例句

matilda是什么意思 matilda的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Matilda作为名字


- Matilda是一个古老的名字,它在英国中世纪很受欢迎。

- 我的女儿叫Matilda,她非常喜欢这个名字。

- Matilda可以缩写为Matty,这是一个非常可爱的昵称。

2. Matilda作为电影和书籍

作为一部电影和一本书的名字,Matilda描述的是一个聪明、勇敢的女孩。这个名字和Roald Dahl的书籍和电影很有关系。下面是一些例句:

- 我儿子非常喜欢Matilda这个电影,他已经看了两遍了。

- 你读过Matilda这本书吗?它很有趣。

- Matilda是我最喜欢的电影之一,因为它向我们展示了一个具有创造力和冒险精神的女孩。

3. Matilda作为缩写词


- 飞机降落之前,它必须避免Matilda的影响。

- 这场风暴非常严重,因为它带来了连续的Matilda。

- 飞行员必须随时准备应对Matilda。


1. Matilda是一个古老的名字,它在英国中世纪很受欢迎。

Matilda is an ancient name that was popular in medieval England.

2. 我的女儿叫Matilda,她非常喜欢这个名字。

My daughter's name is Matilda, and she loves it very much.

3. Matilda可以缩写为Matty,这是一个非常可爱的昵称。

Matilda can be abbreviated as Matty, which is a very cute nickname.

4. 我儿子非常喜欢Matilda这个电影,他已经看了两遍了。

My son loves the movie Matilda very much, and he has watched it twice.

5. 你读过Matilda这本书吗?它很有趣。

Have you read the book Matilda? It's very interesting.

6. Matilda是我最喜欢的电影之一,因为它向我们展示了一个具有创造力和冒险精神的女孩。

Matilda is one of my favorite movies because it shows us a girl with creativity and adventurous spirit.

7. 飞机降落之前,它必须避免Matilda的影响。

Before landing, the plane must avoid the impact of Matilda.

8. 这场风暴非常严重,因为它带来了连续的Matilda。

This storm is very severe because it brings continuous Matildas.

9. 飞行员必须随时准备应对Matilda。

Pilots must be prepared to deal with Matilda at any time.



1. We danced the Matilda at the festival last night. (我们昨晚在音乐节上跳了玛蒂尔达)

2. Matilda is a popular name for baby girls in Australia. (玛蒂尔达是澳大利亚女婴的流行名字)

3. The Matilda Highway is one of the longest roads in Queensland. (玛蒂尔达公路是昆士兰州最长的公路之一)

4. My grandmother's name was Matilda and she loved to play the piano. (我的祖母叫玛蒂尔达,她喜欢弹钢琴)

5. The Matilda Awards are given to outstanding theatre performers in Australia. (玛蒂尔达奖颁发给在澳大利亚表现杰出的剧院演员)

6. The song "Waltzing Matilda" is a beloved Australian folk ballad. (歌曲“翩翩玛蒂尔达”是澳大利亚深受喜爱的民间歌谣)

7. Matilda Bay is a scenic spot in Perth that overlooks the Swan River. (玛蒂尔达湾是珀斯的一个风景点,俯瞰天鹅河)

8. The Matilda dress is a popular style for formal occasions in Australia. (玛蒂尔达裙是澳大利亚正式场合的流行款式)

9. The Matilda tank was a type of armoured fighting vehicle used by the Australian Army in World War II. (玛蒂尔达坦克是澳大利亚军队在第二次世界大战中使用的一种装甲战斗车辆)



1. Matilda is a strong and determined woman who never gives up.


2. The Matilda tank was an important weapon used by the Australian army during World War II.





例句:Come for a walk round the esplanade, Matilda. I can't stand this any longer. (到海滩去散散步吧,玛蒂尔达。我受不了啦。)


例句:the mccook outlaws motorcycle club is established out of matilda's bar on old route 66 in mccook, illinois outside chicago. (麦库克的不法摩托车俱乐部成立了明德`收盘酒吧老麦库克在66路、芝加哥伊利诺之外。)


例句:And while Zoolander and his son Derek Jr. were unharmed, sadly, his wife, Matilda Jeffries-Zoolander, has reportedly died. (尽管祖兰德和他的儿子 小德里克没有受伤 但他的妻子 玛蒂尔达·杰夫里斯 -祖兰德)


例句:Matilda Yoosen and Jos Gubbels, a married couple from Holland, were among a tourist group that came upon an olive ridley turtle nesting in the sand. (翻译:来自荷兰夫妇马蒂尔德·于森和乔斯·古贝尔斯参加的旅游团,巧遇一只正在沙滩筑巢的的榄蠵龟。)


matilda一般作为名词使用,如在Matilda(n. (徒步旅行者的)行囊)、Matilda Of Flanders([网络] 弗兰德的玛蒂尔达;弗兰德之玛蒂尔塔;和弗兰德之玛蒂尔塔)、waltz Matilda([网络] 华尔兹马蒂尔达)等常见短语中出现较多。

Matildan. (徒步旅行者的)行囊
Matilda Of Flanders[网络] 弗兰德的玛蒂尔达;弗兰德之玛蒂尔塔;和弗兰德之玛蒂尔塔
waltz Matilda[网络] 华尔兹马蒂尔达
waltzed Matilda[网络] 温和的Matilda
waltzes Matilda[网络] 摇摆Matilda
waltzing Matilda[网络] 玛蒂尔达华尔兹;跳华尔兹的马蒂尔达;玛蒂达的华尔兹


1. And while Zoolander and his son Derek Jr. were unharmed, sadly, his wife, Matilda Jeffries-Zoolander, has reportedly died. (翻译:尽管祖兰德和他的儿子 小德里克没有受伤 但他的妻子 玛蒂尔达·杰夫里斯 -祖兰德)

2. Matilda Yoosen and Jos Gubbels, a married couple from Holland, were among a tourist group that came upon an olive ridley turtle nesting in the sand. (翻译:来自荷兰夫妇马蒂尔德·于森和乔斯·古贝尔斯参加的旅游团,巧遇一只正在沙滩筑巢的的榄蠵龟。)

3. This was a difficult time for Matilda Cuomo. (翻译:对于玛蒂尔达。科莫来说,这又是她的一个困难时期。)

4. I'll be brief. Matilda Cruz was a beautiful young soul. (翻译:Matilda Cruz是如此年轻美丽的人儿)

5. We have 10 go, Matilda. Keep going. Slowly, slowly. (翻译:Matilda. 继续前进,慢一点,慢一点 说 啊~~~ 啊~~~)

6. But they were so busy w th their unimportant business that they did not realize Matilda was clever. (翻译:但是他们总忙著他们那些不重要的事情使他们不知道他们的女儿是多0聪明。)

7. This is Matilda Wormwood. I'd like you to sit over here with Lavender. (翻译:她是玛蒂妲沃伍 我要安排你坐在拉芬德旁边)

8. My daughter, my lovely Matilda, says she doesn't believe in the Devil. (翻译:我可爱的Matilda说 她不相信有魔鬼)

9. We will get through this, and we will come back stronger than ever, for Matilda's sake. (翻译:们一定会克服 我们会变得更强大 为了Matilda)

10. I-I'm sure you're a ware by now, that Matilda has a brilliant mind. (翻译:我 我想您现在也发现到了 玛蒂妲非常出色)

11. I, Iris Matilda Henderson... a spinster of no particular parish... do hereby solemnly renounce my maidenly past... and do declare that on Thursday next, the 26th inst., being in my right mind... (翻译:我 爱丽丝·玛提尔达·亨德森 未婚 没有特殊信仰 在此严肃地声明 跟过去断绝关系)

12. He gave it to my mother for her to give me, and so they called me Matilda and I came to be known as Matilda. (翻译:他告诉了我妈妈,妈妈给我取了这个名字 于是他们叫我Matilda 于是他们都知道我叫Matilda)

13. It belongs to you. Matilda Naimo. (翻译:这是属于你的 Matilda Naimo.)

14. Mae's mother, Matilda, played an important role in developing her daughter's career as an entertainer. (翻译:她的母亲梅蒂塔在她女儿成长为一名娱乐明星过程中扮演了一个非常重要的角色。)

15. Matilda's colleagues at Phiz didn't know very much about her. (翻译:Matilda在Phiz的同事对她都不太了解)

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