apl是什么意思 apl的中文翻译、读音、例句

apl是什么意思 apl的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词汇定义:'apl' 是一种程序设计语言的名称,全称为"A Programming Language"。该语言用于数据分析、科学计算和数学建模等领域。

2. 缩写:'apl'还可作为以下缩写:

- Accredited Professional Learning(授权专业学习)

- Australian Public Law(澳大利亚公法)

- Association for Project Leadership(项目领导协会)

3. 用途:'apl'语言可用于各种计算任务,如矩阵乘法、数组操作、逻辑运算等。它也常被用于金融领域的数据处理和经济分析。

4. 优缺点:'apl'语言的语法简单,可以轻松地进行向量和矩阵运算,但对于初学者来说,它的语法和复杂度较高。

5. 应用案例:

- I wrote a program in APL to calculate the value of pi.

- APL is particularly well-suited for handling large data sets.

- The company uses APL for financial modeling and risk analysis.

- The APL language is widely used in the field of scientific computing.

- APL is an ideal tool for matrix calculations and other advanced mathematical operations.

APL是由美国数学家Kenneth Iverson在xx年代发明的一种编程语言,全称为A Programming Language。APL以数学符号为基础,支持矩阵运算和符号处理等高级功能,被认为是一种高度抽象和优雅的编程语言。常见的中文翻译为“阿普尔语”。


1. APL是一种高效的编程语言,可以处理大规模数据集。

(APL is an efficient programming language that can handle large datasets.)

2. 我们可以用APL来实现复杂的数学计算。

(We can use APL to perform complex mathematical calculations.)

3. APL的语法需要一定的学习成本,但一旦掌握了它,编写代码就非常容易了。

(APL's syntax has a learning curve, but once you master it, writing code becomes very easy.)

4. 由于APL使用Unicode符号作为语法,因此它可以轻松表示一些复杂的数学符号和函数。

(Because APL uses Unicode symbols as syntax, it can easily represent complex mathematical symbols and functions.)

5. 你可以在APL中使用矩阵运算来解决线性代数问题。

(You can use matrix operations in APL to solve linear algebra problems.)

6. APL的代码通常很短,但非常高效。

(APL code is often short but very efficient.)

7. APL提供了许多内置函数,可以帮助程序员快速完成一些常见任务。

(APL provides many built-in functions that help programmers complete common tasks quickly.)

8. APL支持面向对象编程,可以创建各种类型的对象和类。

(APL supports object-oriented programming and can create various types of objects and classes.)

9. APL的程序可以运行在各种平台上,包括Windows、Mac、Linux等。

(APL programs can run on various platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.)




1. My favorite fruit is apple. (我最喜欢的水果是苹果。)

2. She cut the apple into small pieces.(她把苹果切成小块。)

3. I need some apples to make an apple pie.(我需要一些苹果来做苹果派。)




例句:APL is one of only a handful of carriers currently cold-ironing in California, and the only one in Oakland. (APL是目前加州少数实现冷烫处理的轮船公司之一,也是奥克兰唯一的一家。)


例句:This article reviews the current standard practices and controversial issues in the treatment of patients with newly diagnose. . . (本文综述初治APL患者现代处理方法,并提出一些尚有争议的问题供探讨。)


例句:They get permission to use the new, you know, UNIVAC computer that takes up an entire room that they'd just gotten at the APL. (他们得到使用新UNIVAC计算机的许可, 它占用整个房间,APL刚刚引进。)


例句:And two of them, two 20-something researchers at the APL are there at the cafeteria table having an informal conversation with a bunch of their colleagues. (翻译:他们中的两个 二十多岁的 研究人员 在食堂闲聊。)


apl一般作为名词使用,如在dictionary apl(辞典 APL 语言)、dyalog apl(Dyalog APL 语言)、structured APL code([计] 结构化APL代码)等常见短语中出现较多。

dictionary apl辞典 APL 语言
dyalog aplDyalog APL 语言
structured APL code[计] 结构化APL代码


1. They get permission to use the new, you know, UNIVAC computer that takes up an entire room that they'd just gotten at the APL. (翻译:他们得到使用新UNIVAC计算机的许可, 它占用整个房间,APL刚刚引进。)

2. And two of them, two 20-something researchers at the APL are there at the cafeteria table having an informal conversation with a bunch of their colleagues. (翻译:他们中的两个 二十多岁的 研究人员 在食堂闲聊。)

3. "We really don't like this [ APL ] deal--we think it stinks--but we don't want it to sink Living With a Star, " says one solar physicist. (翻译:一个太阳物理学家说:“我十分不喜欢这比和APL的交易——我们认为它散发出铜臭味——也不希望‘和一颗恒星一起生活’计划搁浅。”)

4. Eventually, they get permission -- this is all a little side project that hadn't been officially part of their job description -- they get permission to use the new UNIVAC computer that takes up an entire room that they'd just gotten at the APL. (翻译:“最终,他们得到许可 这是一个小的副业项目,不是正式工作的一部分。他们得到使用新UNIVAC计算机的许可, 它占用整个房间,APL刚刚引进。)

5. Thus, we studied whether maintenance therapy in ALL, like ATRA in APL , may be inducing terminal differentiation of ALL progenitors. (翻译:像在APL上使用ATRA一样,我们研究的所有维持疗法都可以诱导原生组织分化。)

6. Conclusion: BCB is an induced agent in treating APL with good outlook. (翻译:结论:乳香提出物是一有前途的诱导分化剂。)

7. See the components evaluation management regulations, three departments, this material can be countersigned in APL. (翻译:详见《元件评估管理规定》,三部门会签,该物料可纳入APL。)

8. For us, at Comintex, profits reflect that this has been a year of acquisitions, both of APL and of the Dutch fiber-optic company, Zandak. (翻译:对我们康敏特克斯来讲 利润说明了这是收获的xx年 对于APL和荷兰光纤公司赞达科 都是一样的)

9. I worked hard on an energy plan against stiff opposition, but I had made a powerful adversary in APL, which had offices in most counties. (翻译:我顶着巨大的阻力,非常努力地运行一个能源计划,已经将阿肯色电力与照明公司变成了自己的一个劲敌,而这个公司在多数县里都有办事处。)

10. In addition to FORTRAN, the 1130 could be programmed using APL and RPG. (翻译:除了FORTRAN以外,1130还可使用APL和RPG进行编程。)

11. And two of them, two twentysomething researchers at the APL, are there at the cafeteria table, having an informal conversation with a bunch of their colleagues. (翻译:他们中的两个 二十多岁的 研究人员 在食堂闲聊。)

12. APL and BASIC interpreter is usually used to run language. (翻译:APL和BASIC就是通常用解释程序加以运行的语言。)

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