mentha sylvestris是什么意思 mentha sylvestris的中文翻译、读音、例句

mentha sylvestris是什么意思 mentha sylvestris的中文翻译、读音、例句

'mentha sylvestris' 在英语中表示为 "wild mint",意思是野薄荷。它是一种多年生草本植物,属于唇形科,广泛分布于欧洲、亚洲和非洲地区。


以下是9个含有 'mentha sylvestris' 的例句:

1. Wild mint is commonly used in herbal medicine for its therapeutic properties.(野薄荷因其治疗功效而被广泛用于草药学中。)

2. I love drinking wild mint tea in the morning.(我喜欢在早上喝野薄荷茶。)

3. The essential oil extracted from wild mint leaves has a refreshing fragrance.(从野薄荷叶中提取的精油有清新的香气。)

4. Wild mint is a common ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine.(野薄荷是地中海菜肴中常用的原料。)

5. This salad is infused with the flavor of wild mint.(这个沙拉的味道里有野薄荷的香气。)

6. Wild mint can help alleviate nausea and indigestion.(野薄荷可以帮助缓解恶心和消化不良。)

7. I like to mix fresh wild mint leaves with lemonade for a refreshing drink.(我喜欢将新鲜的野薄荷叶和柠檬水混合成一种清爽饮品。)

8. The calming fragrance of wild mint essential oil helps me relax after a long day.(野薄荷精油的镇静香气可以帮助我在漫长的一天后放松。)

9. Wild mint grows abundantly in the fields near my house.(野薄荷在我家附近的田野里生长得很茂盛。)

mentha sylvestris的中文解释是"网络",还经常被翻译为森林薄荷,发音是[menthasylvestris],mentha sylvestris来源于英语,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到54个与mentha sylvestris相关的句子。

Mentha sylvestris的中文翻译

例句:The determination on nutrient components and resistance indexes of Mentha crispate introduced in Nanjing (皱叶留兰香迁地栽培后的营养成分及抗性指标测定)


例句:There are 521 species in the forest of Pinus sylvestris of Daxing'anling area, of which 35 species of lichen, 48 species of bryophyta, 441 species vascular plant. (大兴安岭樟子松林组成植物521种,其中包括地衣植物35种,苔藓植物48种,维管束植物441种; )


mentha sylvestris一般作为名词使用,如在Mentha sylvestris([网络] 森林薄荷)、sylvestris([网络] 山杜英;森秧鸡;欧亚蔊菜)、mentha([医]薄荷属)等常见短语中出现较多。

Mentha sylvestris[网络] 森林薄荷
sylvestris[网络] 山杜英;森秧鸡;欧亚蔊菜
Dipsacus sylvestris[网络] 香双扇草;黑色小茴香;野续断
Elaeocarpus sylvestris杜英
Fargesia sylvestrisn. 德钦箭竹
Lepionurus sylvestrisn. 鳞尾木
Malus sylvestris[网络] 野苹果;欧洲苹果;欧洲野苹果
Malva sylvestris[网络] 锦葵;欧锦葵;蔓锦葵
peziza sylvestris森林盘菌


1. Effects of rolling and drying technologies on quality of persimmon Diospyros kaki L. f. var. Sylvestris Makino CV. (翻译:研究了揉捻和不同干燥方法对安溪油柿叶茶品质的影响。)

2. The community structure and dynamics of soil water of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation were studied in a growth season. (翻译:对樟子松人工林群落结构和土壤水分动态进行研究。)

3. Objective: it is to study antipruritic effects of mentha doxepin wipe. (翻译:目的:研究薄荷多塞平擦剂的止痒作用。)

4. Differences among Pinus sylvestris provenances were observed at one year of age but not at two years . (翻译:欧洲赤松种源间的差异仅在xx年生时可以看到,两年生时就看不到。)

5. NSE was the target enzyme of Rutaceae oil, Carvacryl oil, Citronella oil and Mentha piperita oil. (翻译:非特异性酯酶是芸香科植物精油、留兰香油、香茅油和椒样薄荷油的重要靶标酶。)

6. Growth characteristics of 2-year-old seedlings from 10 introduced P. sylvestris L. ssp. kulendensis Sukaczw provenances were determined in contrast with' domestic Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litv. (翻译:以国内樟子松为对照,对引进的10个种源盐松xx年生苗木生长性状进行了测定和分析。)

7. Spatial Distribution and Environmental Interpretation of Clonal Buds of Anthriscus sylvestris (翻译:峨参无性萌芽构件的空间格局研究及环境解释)

8. The community structure and dynamics of soil water of Pinus sylvestris var. of the mongolica plantation were studied in a growing season. (翻译:对樟子松人工林群落结构和土壤水分动态进行研究。)

9. NSE was the target enzyme of Rutaceae oil, Carvacryl oil Citronella oil and Mentha piperita oil. (翻译:非特异性酯酶是芸香科植物精油、留兰香油、香茅油和椒样薄荷油的重要靶标酶。)

10. Virus-free culture of Mentha haplocalyx B. in tissue culture was stud ied. The agronomic characteristics and related physiological indexes of virus-fr ee seedling were determined. (翻译:对薄荷进行了组织培养条件下的脱病毒研究,并进行了农艺性状和有关生理指标的测定。)

11. And adaptability of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica has also been researched in Gansu arid desert area. (翻译:同时,对干旱荒漠区樟子松的适应性进行了探讨。)

12. What the biggest problem for planting Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litv. is easy to happen physiological drought. It can influence the survival and preserving rate of afforestation. (翻译:樟子松造林遇到的最大问题便是造林后易发生生理干旱,影响其造林成活率和保存率。)

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