mepindolol是什么意思 mepindolol的中文翻译、读音、例句

mepindolol是什么意思 mepindolol的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:In the words of the archaeologist Mortimer Wheeler, the Indo-Aryan war god Indra "stands accused" of the destruction. (考古学家莫蒂默惠勒声称,印度—雅利安的战神因陀罗被“指控”为破坏。)


例句:Talks are ongoing for India to sell the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile, an Indo-Russian joint venture. (印度正就向越南出售印俄合作生产的BrahMos超音速巡航导弹进行谈判。)


例句:Some sources point to an Indo-European root dek meaning “to take” or “to accept.” (而另一些出处则直指一个印欧语系的词根dek,意思是“取到”或者“接受”。)


1. Some sources point to an Indo-European root dek meaning “to take” or “to accept.” (翻译:而另一些出处则直指一个印欧语系的词根dek,意思是“取到”或者“接受”。)

2. LOL has evolved into something much subtler and sophisticated and is used even when nothing is remotely amusing. (翻译:LOL 已经发展成为一种更加微妙复杂的东西,即使在没有什么好笑的时候也可以使用。)

3. Now LOL, we generally think of as meaning "laughing out loud." (翻译:我们通常认为LOL的意思是 “捧腹大笑”。)

4. But what it means in the original Indo-European is a change in direction, going in a different way. (翻译:但它在古印欧语系的含义 是另一个意思, )

5. tighty whities? lol i dont remember the last time i saw a white guy in tighty whities lol! (翻译:LOL~我都不记得上一次看到穿着这玩意的白人是在什么时候了!)

6. Why did LOL infiltrate the language? (翻译:LOL为什么能渗入语言之中? )

7. Dacey: lol, I hate getting doppel also, but for my timezone is fine. (翻译:哈哈,我也讨厌对抗双面,但是在我的时区联赛还可以。)

8. Maybe it's the mimosa, but I'm gonna give the kid an LOL. (翻译:也许这酒劲大了点 我居然想给他回个大笑脸)

9. And so, for example, there is in texting a convention, which is LOL. (翻译:比如说,在短信里有这样一个习惯用语, 就是LOL。)

10. Very funny people, if that's what LOL means. (翻译:非常有趣的两个人,如果这是LOL的真实意思的话。)

11. The first Indo-Islamic mosque in India is this particular mosque. (翻译:但是在xx年迎来了一个新的交流时期 阿富汗和土耳其的穆斯林大军 以武力征服了北部地区)

12. LOL! Its the world's end when Thess sees this! (翻译:哈哈~~!要是帖撒罗尼迦人看到了这这些,那会是世界的末日!)

13. Funan (or Phu Nam) was once an ancient kingdom located in the ancient Indo-China Peninsula. (翻译:扶南国,是曾经存在于古代中南半岛上的一个古老王国名。)

14. What's more, Allen suggests you to use the right gesture on closestool. LOL! ! (翻译:最后,Allen建议您使用正确的姿势排泄!)

15. The carry role is less strict and less defined in LoL than in DotA, but it's still there. (翻译:进行角色是那么严厉,较少在DOTA比LOL定义,但淘宝依然存在。)

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