merchandise trade deficit是什么意思 merchandise trade deficit的中文翻译、读音

merchandise trade deficit是什么意思 merchandise trade deficit的中文翻译、读音

merchandise trade deficit通常被翻译为"商品贸易赤字"的意思,在英美地区还有"经"的意思,发音音标为[merchandisetradedeficit],merchandise trade deficit常被用作名词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到20个与merchandise trade deficit相关的句子。

Merchandise trade deficit的释义


例句:But Mr. Gault said the trade deficit could improve in the coming months; imports may slow as consumer demand weakens. (但是盖尔特先生说,贸易赤字可能在接下来的几个月里面得到改善;进口量会随着需求的减弱而放缓。)


例句:And all that remains of Che is the myth and the merchandise. (然后,关于格瓦拉,剩下的只有神话和买卖了。)


merchandise trade deficit一般作为名词使用,如在merchandise deficit([贸易] 商品亏损)、trade deficit([经] 贸易赤字, 贸易逆差)、merchandise trade([经] 商品贸易)等常见短语中出现较多。

merchandise deficit[贸易] 商品亏损
trade deficit[经] 贸易赤字, 贸易逆差
merchandise trade[经] 商品贸易
foreign trade deficit对外贸易逆差
international trade deficit进出口差额
visible trade deficit有形贸易逆差
general merchandise trade[贸易] 百货商业
merchandise trade balance[贸易] 商品贸易平衡
in deficit[网络] 赤字;逆差


1. Uh, Lena went to a trade conference in Prague, but, uh... (翻译:Uh, Lena went to a trade conference in Prague,)

2. Walter Huntley, our merchandise manager. (翻译:这位是Walter Huntley, 我们的采购经理)

3. So if we have a trade deficit we are importing more than we are exporting (翻译:所以如果我们有贸易赤字 我们的进口就多于出口)

4. Trade is vicious and selfish. (翻译:做生意的人狠毒而自私 Trade is vicious and selfish.)

5. Contrary to a growing belief in Washington, revaluing China's currency will not cure the trade deficit. (翻译:民众对政府的信心大跌,即使对中国的币值再调整也不会扭转贸易逆差。)

6. were you to enter a port with barely one piece of merchandise left to trade, what would you do? (翻译:你进入一个港口 几乎连一件可以出售的货物都没有了 你会怎么做?)

7. The larger the trade deficit, the smaller the GDP. (翻译:贸易赤字越大,GDP 就越小。)

8. When the Commerce Department reported last week that the trade deficit in June approached $50 billion, it set off a new round of economic doomsaying. (翻译:上周美国商务部报告称,xx月份的贸易逆差接近500亿美元,这引发了新一轮的经济末日预言。)

9. The bilateral trade deficit is often if wrongly cited as a contributing cause to American unemployment. (翻译:双边贸易赤字经常被设想为在造成美国失业上起到了不公正的作用。)

10. -We came to learn the trade. (翻译:-We came to learn the trade.)

11. - I pulled up some of the merchandise. (翻译:——我们调出了购买清单。- What? - I pulled up some of the merchandise.)

12. This tsunami will bring with it a corresponding surge in the U. S. trade deficit and, with it, a rise in U. S. unemployment . (翻译:这场海啸将带来美国贸易逆差相应飙升,美国的失业率也会相应上升。)

13. Look, I-I was looking to make a trade. (翻译:我想换点别的 Look, I -I was looking to make a trade.)

14. Thanks for flying Harris Freight... where frequent flyers earn bonus points good for valuable merchandise. (翻译:Thanks for flying Harris Freight, 累积哩程数可换取精美礼品 where frequent flyers earn bonus points good for valuable merchandise.)

15. China is likely to see a trade deficit in March for the first time, Chinese Minister of Commerce Chen Deming said in Beijing Sunday. (翻译:中国商业部部长陈德明周日在北京说,中国在xx月份很有可能出现贸易赤字。)

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