mesentericin是什么意思 mesentericin的中文翻译、读音、例句

mesentericin是什么意思 mesentericin的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The fact that she thrived within the Company, at the expense of... everyone else mes me want to take them down even more. (她潜伏在公司里 不惜牺牲... 任何人的这个事实...)

例句:The pellet preparation can be prepared into a slow-release or enteric-coated preparation as required. (上述微丸制剂可以按照要求制备成缓释或肠溶制剂。)


1. Someti mes he gets his nose stung, but most of the time his world keeps expanding. (翻译:有时他会把鼻子戳伤,但大部分时候,他的世界变得越来越大了。)

2. Gastroesophageal reflux disease; Rabeprazole enteric-coated tablet; Famotidine; Maintenance treatment; Cost - effectiveness Analysis. (翻译:胃食管反流病;雷贝拉唑钠肠溶片;法莫替丁;维持治疗;成本-效果分析。)

3. Mais cependant il n'en reste pas moins que ce film s'inspire de mes exploits militaires. (翻译:可是,问题在于 这部电影是关于我的战斗事迹)

4. Enteric anastomoses may disrupt and produce a fistula and peritonitis. (翻译:小肠吻合可能破裂并产生瘘管和腹膜炎。)

5. AOFA of bacillary dysentery is specific to the bacteria in forming fluorescent clumps, which could not be rendered by tests carried out with nonagglutining vibrio and enteric bacteria of 12 species. (翻译:本法特异性强:痢疾杆菌AOFA只对痢疾杆菌形成特异性的荧光菌团,且能从此荧光团中分离出典型痢疾杆菌,对不凝集弧菌等其他肠道12种细菌皆不形成典型荧光菌团。)

6. Lent starts tomorrow, mes amis, and me, I want somethin' tasty to give up. (翻译:借给明天开始,MES AMIS。我会放弃一些东西好吃。)

7. The MES build up a communication bridge between the management planning level and the process control level. (翻译:MES系统在计划管理层与底层控制层之间建立起了信息互通的桥梁。)

8. At the point where the average costs are at a minimum, the minimum efficient scale (MES) of output of a firm or plant is reached. (翻译:当平均成本处于最低水平时,一个企业或工厂实现了其最小有效规模。)

9. Mes amis, nous allons jouer la specialite de la maison. (翻译:Mes amis, nous allons jouer la spécialité de la maison.)

10. And what we tried was this, here is a device called the Cadwell Model MES10. Weighs about 70 pounds, has a wire about an inch in diameter. (翻译:而我们这里有一个卡德韦尔模型MES10设备,它就是我们根据这一原理做出来的医疗仪器它重约70磅,直径约有一英寸的直线那么长。)

11. The fixed formulation is in the form of an enteric coating layered tablet, a capsule or a multiple unit tableted dosage form. (翻译:此固定制剂是肠溶包衣分层片剂、胶囊或多单位片剂剂型的形式。)

12. A Randomized controlled Trial of Dexketoprofen Enteric-coated Tablet on Pain Caused by Closed Trama (翻译:右旋酮洛芬肠溶片治疗闭合性创伤的临床评价)

13. Eudragit L30 D-55 was used as enteric coating material. A mathematical model was proposed to guide the coating technology. (翻译:以甲基丙烯酸共聚物水分散体为包衣材料,建立微丸包衣数学模型指导包衣工艺。)

14. Thus, from China's point of view, whether or not a country grants MES to it has little substantive value. (翻译:因此,从中国的观点来看,是否被授予市场经济地位没有什么实质性的价值。)

15. He lacked cοmmitment and resοlve, and there are thοse whο are wοrried abοut where he will stand when war cοmes with Germany. (翻译:这么没有决断和献身精神 会有人担心,当和德国开战的时候 他能否顶住压力)

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