metaril是什么意思 metaril的中文翻译、读音、例句

metaril是什么意思 metaril的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Message payload and message meta data. (消息有效载荷与消息元数据。)





1. This is the sing-song, the meta-language that we use in order to impart meaning. (翻译:那是唱歌,是元语言, 我们用来传送意味。)

2. RBR process solution based on meta-rule semantic network was designed. (翻译:设计了基于元规则语义网络RBR工艺求解方法。)

3. Your kind... gitta-gita no metta-meta de... (翻译:你们这种家伙 肯定被教训得体无完肤...)

4. The meta-narrative is established on an triplex paradox (narrative, emotion and philosophy). (翻译:元叙事建立在叙事、情感、哲学三重悖论的基础上。)

5. I'll say that while I was in Rome I meta very sweet Spanish girl. (翻译:我说我在罗马见到了一个非常棒的西班牙女孩)

6. Is there a meta noindex tag in the HTML "head" section? (翻译:在“head”区域中是否有“noindex”的元标记?)

7. The platform has been likened to a meta language or language superset. (翻译:这个平台曾被喻为元语言或语言超集。)

8. Once approved, BDPM would provide a meta-model for business process modeling. (翻译:一旦它被认可,BPDM将能够为业务过程建模提供元模型。)

9. Phil Wainewright has a pretty good take on Gartner's list, distilling it down to three meta-trends. (翻译:菲尔wainewright有不错的名单,接受Gartner蒸馏到三meta - trends。)

10. There was heterogeneity in seed time in the euphratica meta-population. (翻译:胡杨集合种群在种子时间上存在异质性。)

11. The microstructure and properties of new type meta bainited steel are studied. (翻译:研究了新型准贝氏体钢的组织特征与性能特点。)

12. This other thing is the petit a, around which there revolves a combat of which trompe-l'ril is the soul. (翻译:这个别的东西就是小客体,环绕小客体是一场搏斗,搏斗的灵魂是错视法。)

13. Would you prefer I'd be childish, self-centered or make grimaces? (翻译:你更喜欢我幼稚自私的时候吗 Tu préfères quand je suis puéril, égocentrique?)

14. This will update Xcode's meta data for the file to treat it as a C header file. (翻译:这会更新文件的Xcode元数据,把它作为C头文件处理。)

15. Don't know. Maybe meta-suppressants to subordinate blood characteristics. (翻译:不知道,可能是用了抑制后的药物 来改变血液的特征)

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