microblepsis rugosa是什么意思 microblepsis rugosa的中文翻译、读音、例句

microblepsis rugosa是什么意思 microblepsis rugosa的中文翻译、读音、例句

microblepsis rugosa通常被翻译为"橙角褐钩蛾"的意思,还有橙角褐钩蛾的意思,在线发音:[microblepsisrugosa],microblepsis rugosa在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到11个与microblepsis rugosa相关的例句。

Microblepsis rugosa的中文翻译


例句:Rugosa rose is a species of rose native to eastern Asia. (蔷薇属玫瑰是原产于东亚的玫瑰品种。)


microblepsis rugosa一般作为名词使用,如在rugosa(玫瑰 )、microblepsis violacea(灰褐钩蛾)、Eurya rugosa(n. 皱叶柃)等常见短语中出现较多。

microblepsis violacea灰褐钩蛾
Eurya rugosan. 皱叶柃
galaxaura rugosa延伸乳节藻;污浊乳节藻;光秃乳节藻;太平洋乳节藻;亚灌木状乳节藻
Limnophila rugosan. 大叶石龙尾
Maesa rugosan. 皱叶杜茎山
Ophiorrhiza rugosan. 匍地蛇根草
pachyseris rugosa异波纹珊瑚
Paris rugosa[网络] 皱叶重楼


1. The agastache rugosa with abundant nutrition and special fragrance has great value in medicine, eating, spile etc. (翻译:藿香营养丰富,香气独特,兼具药用、食用、香料等多方面应用价值。)

2. Flower bud differentiation of Rosa rugosa CV. 'Plena' begins in the formative stage of the mixed bud growth process. (翻译:玫瑰的花芽分化开始于混合芽完成营养生长阶段之后。)

3. Objective To study the mechanism of agastache rugosa for its intestinal motion promoting action. (翻译:目的探讨藿香煎液促进小肠运动的可能机制。)

4. Aboard the Thief's Eye, with minimal retinue, Katuunko arrived on the coral moon of Rugosa to await his Jedi diplomat. (翻译:卡图恩科带着最少的侍从,乘坐“贼眼号”来到珊瑚卫星鲁戈萨,等待绝地外交官。)

5. The agastache rugosa with abundant nutrition and special fragrance has great value in medicine, eating, spile etc. (翻译:藿香营养丰富, 香气独特,兼具药用、食用、 香料等多方面应用价值。)

6. The little creature that perches on Yoda's finger on Rugosa is a baby neebray. (翻译:鲁戈萨星上,栖息于尤达手指上的那个小生物,是一个尼布雷幼鸟。)

7. The little creature that perches on Yoda's finger on Rugosa is a baby neebray. (翻译:鲁戈萨星上,栖息于尤达手指上的那个小生物,是一个尼布雷幼鸟。)

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