microsnare是什么意思 microsnare的中文翻译、读音、例句

microsnare是什么意思 microsnare的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:for judgment is toward you, because ye have been a snare on Mizpah, and a net spread upon Tabor. (审判要临到你们,因你们在米斯巴如网罗,在他泊山如铺张的网。)


例句:Enchant Boots - Surefooted : Permanently enchant boots to give 5% snare and root resistance as well as a 1% bonus to hit. (使一双鞋子永久的获得对移动限制法术抵抗率上升5%并且命中率上升+1%的效果。)


1. The pulse is usually timed in micro-seconds. (翻译:脉冲通常以微秒计。)

2. At a micro level, the individuals around him were visible. (翻译:从微观层面说,他能够看到那些他周围的人。)

3. till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life . (翻译:直等箭穿他的肝,如同雀鸟急入网罗,却不知是自丧己命。)

4. We identified a liquid submersion sensor in the Pre, visible through the micro USB port. (翻译:我们在Pre内发现了一个液体潜水传感器,通过micro USB接口可见。)

5. Micro particle sizes are as the smoke particles. (翻译:颗粒都是微米级的 火产生的烟基本上就是微米级的)

6. Others represented fishermen, with a net to snare opponents and a trident to spear them. (翻译:另一些人则代表渔民,配备着一张网来诱捕对方,以及一把用来戳刺对手的三叉戟。)

7. In this dissertation, only the piezoelectric bimorph micro-actuator and valveless piezoelectric micro pump are introduced. (翻译:本文的研究重点是压电双晶梁微驱动器和无阀压电微泵。)

8. At a micro level, the individuals around him were visible. (翻译:从微观层面说,他能够看到那些他周围的人。)

9. John they have designed the snare, sets at the deathtrap, but the young man punishes by death the chief criminal. (翻译:约翰他们设计了圈套,置死地而后生地将罪魁祸首处以死刑。)

10. They was so pretty, if I snare me one for a pet, even Ma would love it. (翻译:那么可爱如果当宠物的话 连妈妈也会喜欢的)

11. Deliver this from the snare of the fowler, from the pestilence from the darkness. (翻译:必救你脱离捕捉者之网罗和瘟疫之毒害... 脱离黑暗)

12. Micro-repeater implanting sequence complete! (翻译:-repeater implanting sequence complete! 如您所愿 先生 我还准备了 As you wish, sir.)

13. Low-end devices, such as MakerBot, RepRap, eMaker, PP3DP, and the new micro3D printer, are pushing the low end barrier from $650 to $1,800. (翻译:低端设备,比如MakerBot, RepRap, eMaker, PP3DP, 以及最新的 micro3D printer价格都只要$650到$1800。)

14. Because it's awesome stuff, the feel that you came out with the snare, totally cool and you never done it before. (翻译:因为它是真棒的东西, 你想出了圈套的感觉, 很酷,你从来没有这么做过。)

15. So my family and I worked with an engineer to design a snare drum harness that would be lighter, and easier for me to carry. (翻译:所以一位工程师应我与我家人之邀 为我量身设计了 一个特制的军鼓背带 它很轻以至我能方便的穿上它 )

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