microsoft silverlight是什么意思 microsoft silverlight的中文翻译、读音、例句

microsoft silverlight是什么意思 microsoft silverlight的中文翻译、读音、例句

microsoft silverlight的中文解释是"微软银光",其中文解释还有"微软银光"的意思,单词读音音标为[microsoftsilverlight],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到42个与microsoft silverlight相关的例句。

Microsoft Silverlight的释义


例句:Microsoft Volume Licensing customers can enter their unique VL product keys into the unattend answer file. (Microsoft批量授权用户可以将唯一的VL产品密钥输入到无人参与应答文件中。)


microsoft silverlight一般作为名词使用,如在Microsoft Silverlight(微软银光)、silverlight(银光(软件名))、MediaPlayer Microsoft(出品的媒体播放器)等常见短语中出现较多。

Microsoft Silverlight微软银光
MediaPlayer Microsoft出品的媒体播放器
Microsoft Access微机数据库管理系统
Microsoft account[网络] 微软账户;微软帐户;微软账号
microsoft activesync同步软件(软件名)
Microsoft Agent[网络] 微软助手;预览文件;控件
Microsoft Antispyware[网络] 微软反间谍软件;网络安全;反间谍软件进行清除
Microsoft antivirus[网络] 微软反病毒软件;微软防毒
Microsoft AX[网络] 质量管理系统


1. But Microsoft has already announced that it's refocusing Silverlight on the out-of-browser experience. (翻译:但是微软已经宣布其对Sliverlight重新定位关注点为浏览器以外的体验。)

2. Microsoft Windows NetMeeting and File Search have been replaced by Microsoft Office Live Meeting and Office Search. (翻译:MicrosoftWindowsNetMeeting和文件搜索已被MicrosoftOfficeLiveMeeting和OfficeSearch取代。)

3. And it came out, and it was called Microsoft Write. (翻译:于是就有了 Microsoft Write )

4. Microsoft will demonstrate Silverlight on S60 during the opening keynote at Microsoft's MIX08 conference on March 5 in Las Vegas. (翻译:xx月xx日在LasVegas举行的微软MIX08会议上,微软将在开幕主题演讲上演示运行于S60的Silverlight。)

5. (Laughter) This is Microsoft Word. (翻译:点击计数员 这是Microsoft Word. )

6. A Silverlight 4 client implementation. (翻译:一个Silverlight 4的客户端实现。)

7. Finally, at the time of the project, the team faced incompatible WSDL implementations in the Microsoft and IBM toolkits. (翻译:最后,在工程中,小组碰到了Microsoft和IBM工具箱中不兼容的WSDL实现问题。)

8. I need Apple to be harrying Microsoft. (翻译:我还想让苹果与微软对峙。)

9. Xandros will license a broad set of Microsoft server communications protocols. (翻译:Xandros将许可一个广泛的Microsoft服务器通讯协议。)

10. The Phalanger team is currently working on converting their code base to run on Silverlight 2.0 beta 1. (翻译:Phalanger团队正在把代码转换到Silverlight 2.0 beta 1。)

11. Use a diagramming tool such as Microsoft Visio. (翻译:使用图表工具,譬如微软的Visio。)

12. Microsoft recommends that you put MS DTC in its own group with its own physical disk resource, if it is possible. (翻译:Microsoft建议尽可能将MSDTC放在自己的组和自己的物理磁盘资源中。)

13. Microsoft touts that this format is accessible and easily shared. (翻译:Microsoft声称,这种格式易于访问和易于共享。)

14. So the challenge was -- I worked for Microsoft for a little bit, working on the Microsoft Barney. (翻译:所以挑战在于,我曾为微软工作过, 微软巴尼娃娃。)

15. You can determine the minimum margins supported by your printer by using Microsoft WordPad. (翻译:可以通过使用Microsoft写字板确定打印机所支持的最小边距。)

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