miggins是什么意思 miggins的中文翻译、读音、例句

miggins是什么意思 miggins的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Our courageous Air Force pilots downed 5 Communist MIG 17's and damaged two others (今天在马祖海峡上空的空战中 以击落匪米格十七飞机五架)


例句:Let's now create an ACL on the file mig_top. Currently, it has the following permission and ownerships. (现在,在mig_top文件上创建ACL。)


1. This is a Cuban MiG-29. (翻译:这是一架古巴的米格- 29战机。)

2. We get our own MiG, we apply to fly and before you know it... (翻译:我们给自己找米格飞机 训练出对抗海军的对手)

3. It not only has an ICBM launch pad but it has a new airstrip capable of deploying MIG-29s. (翻译:它不但有洲际弹道导弹设备 也有简易飞机跑道 可以让米格)

4. Screams stealthy MiG-31 - I wonder if this bird could be powered by a pair of older tech Soloviev D-30F6 engines. . . (翻译:隐形版米格31-我怀疑两台老技术的D-30F6发动机能给这鸟提供动力嘛?)

5. Here is your Gins and our dinner menu. Take your time, I'll be right with you. (翻译:这是您的琴酒,以及我们的晚餐菜单慢慢看,我待会儿为您服务。)

6. If the MIG spare parts were of doubtful quality, why were they bought in the first place? (翻译:如果MiG的零件有质量隐患, 为什么还要去买?)

7. Now, then, as most of you know, the F-5 doesn't have... the thrust-to-weight ratio of the MiG-28. (翻译:你们大多都应该知道 F5不像米格28 可以打破重量比率)

8. The tyrant dies and his rule ends, the martyr dies and his rule be- gins . (翻译:暴君死了,他的统治结束;烈士死了,他的准则还在。)

9. Judging from reports of MiG fighter aircraft, helicopter gunships, tanks and Katyusha rockets churning up the spectacular mountainscapes of the country’s rugged north-west, the description is fitting. (翻译:从作战报告来看,在这个国家的西北部,米格战斗机、武装直升机、坦克、卡秋莎火箭炮把这片恢宏壮观、地势起伏的山川景象搅了个天翻地覆,所以说这样描述是恰如其分的。)

10. Er det kun mig, der synes, at de er meget stille? (翻译:- 是我还是他们,今天话这么少 - 他们挺好的)

11. Viewers may recall that until now, 163 MiG-21 of IAF have crashed and 66 pilots have lost their lives. (翻译:观众也许还记得.. 到目前为止, 印度空军已有163架MIG -21失事..)

12. Gagarin died in 1968, after crashing a MiG fighter during a training flight. (翻译:加加林在xx年死于一次米格战机试飞事故。)

13. In the last 10 years over 100 MIG-21 aircrafts of the IAF have crashed in which over 30 pilots have lost their lives. (翻译:过去xx年印度空军有100多架MIG -21飞机坠毁 造成30多名飞行员丧生)

14. Keep me from the snares they have laid for me, and the gins of the workers of iniquity. (翻译:恶人已为我设下天罗地网, 还有那罪孽之人的邪恶圈套 请带我远离这些 陷阱吧)

15. Digitized PMIG welding is playing an important role in welding field for its advantages, such as good direction transition, less splashed material, nice figure and wide welding current extent. (翻译:数字化脉冲MIG焊以其可以在很大电流范围内获得射滴过渡、轴向性好、飞溅小、适合全位置焊等众多优点,在焊接领域中占有重要一席。)

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