milroy disease是什么意思 milroy disease的中文翻译、读音、例句

milroy disease是什么意思 milroy disease的中文翻译、读音、例句

milroy disease通常被翻译为"遗传性淋巴水肿"的意思,在英美地区还有"遗传性淋巴水肿"的意思,发音音标为[milroydisease],milroy disease来源于英语,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到24个与milroy disease相关的例句。

Milroy disease的释义


例句:Google,TED Prize,collaboration,disease,epidemiology,global issues,health,science,technology (Google,TED Prize,collaboration,disease,epidemiology,global issues,health,science,technology)


milroy disease一般作为名词使用,如在Milroy disease(遗传性淋巴水肿)、Milroy(n. (Milroy)人名;(英)米尔罗伊)、Milroy's disease([医] 米耳罗伊氏病(遗传性下肢水肿))等常见短语中出现较多。

Milroy disease遗传性淋巴水肿
Milroyn. (Milroy)人名;(英)米尔罗伊
Milroy's disease[医] 米耳罗伊氏病(遗传性下肢水肿)
milroy's diesaseMilroy氏病(注:遗传性淋巴水肿)
Milroy's edema[医] 米耳罗伊氏水肿, 遗传性[局部]水肿
the disease疾病
died of disease[网络] 死于疾病
diffuse disease[医] [脊髓]弥漫性病
digestive disease消化系统疾病


1. The disease that the Others created.The disease that you created. (翻译:异体创造的那种病 你们创造的那种病 The disease that the Others created. The disease that you created.)

2. So violence is responding as a disease even as it behaves as a disease. (翻译:暴力事件可以当作疾病来对待, 它的表现形式就象一个疾病的表现形式。)

3. To, you of disease like have no (翻译:you of disease like have no)

4. The disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease. (翻译:这种病一般更多地被称作“疯牛病”。)

5. You Xandarians and your culture are a disease. (翻译:你们赞达尔人 你们的文化 都已病入膏肓 You Xandarians and your culture are a disease.)

6. The story of the guy with the rhinophyma, the large nose disease. (翻译:那个男人患有肥大性酒渣鼻 The story of the guy with the rhinophyma, 一种大鼻子病 the large nose disease.)

7. Rust disease is an important disease in Triticeae crops. (翻译:锈病是麦类作物的重要病害。)

8. biology,chemistry,disease,health,medicine,science (翻译:biology,chemistry,disease,health,medicine,science)

9. What you deserve is disease. (翻译:你应受疾病的困扰 What you deserve is disease.)

10. An unprofitable disease? (翻译:一种无利可图的疾病? )

11. It has to do with um... a really rare disease. (翻译:那和一种 嗯 It has to do with um... 极其罕见的疾病有关 a really rare disease.)

12. chemistry,development,disease,poverty,science,technology (翻译:chemistry,development,disease,poverty,science,technology)

13. And the next day, they came down with nephritis. (翻译:Nephritis is a kidney disease.)

14. Is this disease hereditary? (翻译:这种病遗传吗? )

15. Maybe vomit and sores and disease really frighten him. (翻译:也许呕吐和病痛当真把他给吓住了 Maybe vomit and sores and disease really frighten him.)

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