例句:It was only with the Romantic Revival of the early 19th century that the highland kilt was adopted as a symbol of national identity. (直到19世纪初浪漫主义的复兴,高地苏格兰裙才作为民族身份的象征被人们接受。)
例句:And you can see here too, Target, Wii, Mini from the Mini Coopers, and JetBlue. (另外还有Target,Wii Mini Coopers中的Mini,还有JetBlue )
1. These are excellent mini cheeseburgers. (翻译:Mmm. These are excellent mini cheeseburgers.)
2. These interest graphs are more like mini-Twitters. (翻译:兴趣图谱更像一个迷你t witter。)
3. You know, I-I have the legs for it. (翻译:- I could pull off a kilt? 你知道 人家小腿可美了呢 You know, - I)
4. Echappe to escape, not these mini little things. (翻译:蒫哈普? 为了逃避而不是这些微型小东西。)
5. There's, like, mini golf and sushi. Carry on! (翻译:这就是,就像, 迷你高尔夫球场和寿司,继续!)
6. The sound of the bagpipes is as a man in a kilt. (翻译:聆听风笛演奏,其感受如同欣赏身着苏格兰短裙的男子。)
7. Highland regiments still wear the kilt on regular basis but it is not an everyday article of dress in Scotland. (翻译:高地军团如今依然定期穿方格呢裙,但这已非苏格兰人的日常服饰。)
8. Ashlin just posted a pic of a mini-pizza. (翻译:Ashlin刚刚发了一张迷你披萨的照片 Ashlin just posted a pic of a mini)
9. THE sound of the bagpipes is as familiar to the Scottish as wearing a kilt and climbing mountains. (翻译:对于苏格兰人来说,风笛的声音就如同穿苏格兰方格呢短裙或爬越高山一样亲切而熟悉。)
10. When in Kincardine turn left at the mini roundabout. (翻译:在金卡丁郡的一个小型环行交叉处左转。)
11. This car, which is my Mini, doesn't look that safe. (翻译:而这辆车 Mini Cooper 就没那么安全了 )
12. The condensation source of the modern cryopump is a mini refrigerator. (翻译:制冷机低温泵的冷源是小型制冷机。)
13. In the evening, everyone must wear a kilt. (翻译:在苏格兰每个人出席大型活动的时候 都穿苏格兰短裙)
14. Pundits have revelled in painting him as a traditional Zulu leader out of kilt with modern politics. (翻译:权威人士热衷于将祖玛描绘成一个穿着苏格兰长裙,有着现代政治手腕的传统祖鲁领导人。)
15. They have mini-pizzas here? (翻译:这里有迷你披萨? They have mini -pizzas here?)