minsin是什么意思 minsin的中文翻译、读音、例句

minsin是什么意思 minsin的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:It is 25 mins away from Whangarei city, past the Pines golf course. (它离璜加雷市也只有25分钟车程,途径松木高尔夫球场。)


例句:10 mins to Eaton Center, George Brown college, Ryerson university. (伊顿中心10分钟,乔治布朗学院,瑞尔森大学。)


例句:I was too slow to keep up with them so that Iwas late for 40 mins in Anren. (由于我动作比较慢,在安仁这里居然和大家失散了40多分钟。)


例句:He completed the Blenheim triathlon last weekend in 1hr 43mins and looks to be suffering the after effects here in Montreal. (翻译:上周他完成了布伦海姆铁人三项赛,成绩是1小时43分钟,看起来在蒙特利尔这边他累坏了。)


minsin一般作为名词使用,如在Minsin([地名] 敏辛 ( 缅 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Minsin[地名] 敏辛 ( 缅 )


1. I was too slow to keep up with them so that Iwas late for 40 mins in Anren. (翻译:由于我动作比较慢,在安仁这里居然和大家失散了40多分钟。)

2. He completed the Blenheim triathlon last weekend in 1hr 43mins and looks to be suffering the after effects here in Montreal. (翻译:上周他完成了布伦海姆铁人三项赛,成绩是1小时43分钟,看起来在蒙特利尔这边他累坏了。)

3. The time is now 4:51 p.m. Vivre is open another 4 hrs. 9 mins. (翻译, 见面后我可能会不满意说不要.)

4. max of 15 mins? no way, there's no point in bringing him back. i bet he's going to go for at least 22. (翻译:最多15分钟?不可能,如果这样就不能表示他恢复了。我打赌他将至少打22分钟。)

5. I have a 3min video that I need the voice over dubbed from English into Chinese. The actual voice over is less then 3mins. (翻译:我有一个3分钟的视频,我需要对从英国被称为进入中国的声音。实际的语音是小于3分钟。)

6. So I only missed 5 mins of my fave 30 minute prog. . . (翻译:所以我只少看了我最粉的那30分钟的电视节目5分钟而已…)

7. Don't get into any of them, as Citadines is a mere 3 mins walk away! (翻译:不要上任何车,因为走路三分钟就到了馨乐庭城中服务公寓! )

8. He scolded at me for 10 mins said I know that my mom, was taking care of us, me and my sister (翻译:就在很多同学面前骂了我十分钟 说我明明知道自己妈妈 一个人照顾我们两姊妹)

9. FWIW, I'm looking in Victorian Flatbush in Brooklyn - 20 mins from downtown Manhattan. (翻译:我期待在维多利·亚弗拉特·布什在布鲁克林- 20分钟从曼哈顿下城。)

10. Add the chicken, sweetcorn and lentils to the pan and cook for 5-7 mins more or until the chicken is cooked. (翻译:加鸡肉,甜玉米和扁豆到锅中,再煮5到7分钟直到鸡肉烧熟。)

11. Boardman finished in 1hr 43mins, clipping 49 seconds from his own course record. (翻译:博德曼完成全程用时1小时43分,把自己的赛道纪录缩短了49秒。)

12. I'll give you ten trucks of water if they can last 1O mins (翻译:这样吧,如果他们可以挨过十分钟 我便给你十车水)

13. Cook for 3 to 5 mins. (翻译:煮三至五分钟。)

14. Normally, we cook the instant noodles by putting the noodles into a pot with water, throw in the powder and let it cook for 3 mins. (翻译:我们煮方便面的通常方法是:将面放入沸水中,然后放入调味包料,煮上3分钟。)

15. I used to bring it to Kampung Senang, which is just 10 mins walk away from our place, once a week or a fortnight, as they had a little plot to grow their own vegetables. (翻译:我以前每隔一两个礼拜就把渣带到离咱们家不远的轻安村去,走路约10分钟就能到。)

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