mauiensine是什么意思 mauiensine的中文翻译、读音、例句

mauiensine是什么意思 mauiensine的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Location : “Location is the sine-qua-non of mobile apps. (定位:”定位是移动应用的必要条件。)


1. en route from Honolulu to Hilo, Hawaii, encountered a serious problem as it flew over Maui: Both pilots were fast asleep. (翻译:从夏威夷州火奴鲁鲁飞往该州希洛的一个航班在飞越毛伊岛时遇到了严重的问题:两名飞行员都睡着了。)

2. Cœur en Folie or Eau de Russie? (翻译:C? ur en Folie 或 Eau de Russie?)

3. About the security en route (翻译:沿途的保安措施 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}About the security en route)

4. Whether summer or autumn, whether winter or spring, their unwavering friendship is always in season. (翻译:xx年四季都是如此 En été, en automne, en hiver ou au printemps, 每个季节都是 la saison est toujours celle)

5. The alabaster hair band you lost in Maui? (翻译:你在毛伊岛落下了你的条纹发带 The alabaster hair band you lost in Maui?)

6. The good mood is on its way. (翻译:美好心情 正要降临 La bonne humeur est en route)

7. "Sine prestolacione venire... Let me go! (翻译:放开我 求你们停下 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Let me go!)

8. I'm gonna sine your kitty on the sepatime. (翻译:我要去你的猫咪正弦 在sepatime。)

9. First thing I'm going to do is to make a sine wave oscillator, and we're going to called the sine wave generator "Ge." (翻译:首先,我来创造一个 正弦波震荡器, 我们把它命名为: “Ge”。)

10. Ca fait une demi-heure dans la rue en bas... (翻译:Ça fait une demi -heure dans la rue en bas...)

11. - At CafAfÆ'A‚A© Beaubourg especially. (翻译:还在波布咖啡厅 Au café Beaubourg en plus!)

12. Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege. (翻译:nulla poena sine lege.)

13. Maybe a good maui would do you good for a change. (翻译:或许好的大锤能让你变好 【maul双关词,意为大锤或者追求性快感的粗暴】)

14. The case was adjourned sine die. (翻译:此案无限期延迟审理。)

15. This is the en garde position. (翻译:这是预备姿势 This is the en garde position.)

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