mislocating是什么意思 mislocating的中文翻译、读音、例句

mislocating是什么意思 mislocating的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:In the process of locating her, Jerry Barber, a detective from this division, was killed in the line of duty. (在寻找这名警官的过程中 Jerry Barber 分局一名警探 他因公殉职了)


例句:Finding it randomly would be the equivalent of locating a needle in a haystack, blindfolded, wearing baseball mitts. (随机的去寻找这座城市 就好像在海底捞针的同时, 还蒙着眼,带着棒球手套。)


1. The opening of the facility follows last fall's announcement that the company would be locating in Danville. (翻译:继去年秋天宣布日本烟草国际公司将落户丹维尔之后,这家工厂正式开业。)

2. You brought every Agency resource to bear on identifying and locating these guys. (翻译:你利用中情局的所有资源 来识别和定位这些人)

3. Great. And where are we with locating Julie Campbell's next of kin? (翻译:安克雷奇警局打过来了 还在查 目前还没进展)

4. In the Frohlich illusion, the first position of a moving target is mis-localized in the direction of motion. (翻译:在里希幻想,第一位置的运动目标是错误的本地化的方向运动。)

5. No muy bien. Mis hermanos se burlaban de mi cuando tocaba. (翻译:弹得不是很好 过去我弹琴的时候 我的两个哥哥总是会嘲弄我)

6. I've heard that some robbers will rob our company through a mis connected line today (翻译:今天我修理电话,搭错了线 听到有贼要打劫公司)

7. Charged with locating it before the Soviets are the elite Navy deep-sea divers pictured here. (翻译:负责搜寻的人员 是画面中优秀的海军潜水员)

8. In the absence of light, there's got to be some other way of locating prey. (翻译:在暗无天日中 就得有一些其它办法来寻找猎物了)

9. In project the important function of OTDR is searching the break point and locating it. (翻译:OTDR在工程上的重大用处是能够方便地找出光纤的断点,并进行故障定位。)

10. You and Gao Mis go dome, odny? (翻译:你和高敏先走吧 You and Gao Mis go dome, odny?)

11. What progress has your team currently made in locating a cure for HSV? (翻译:您的团队取得了哪些进展,目前在寻找一种单纯 疱疹病毒治疗呢? )

12. Um, but Les Mis is already a musical about the French revolution. (翻译

13. And if you appreciate that number, you can easily see there is huge potential for mis-wiring of the brain. (翻译:如果你惊叹于这个数字 你不难看到 大脑中接错线的可能性极大)

14. The 3, 000 lives killed heinously, and his mis-reading of Islam confound Shia and Sunni. (翻译:3000条生命被憎恶地杀害,他对伊斯兰教的误读使什叶派和逊尼派混乱。)

15. Buenas noches, mis amigos. (翻译:晚安,朋友们。)

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