mithridates vis是什么意思 mithridates vis的中文翻译、读音、例句

mithridates vis是什么意思 mithridates vis的中文翻译、读音、例句

mithridates vis通常被翻译为"米特拉达梯六世、本都王国国王"的意思,其中文解释还有"亦称作"的意思,发音是[,miθri'deiti:z],mithridates vis来源于英语,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到44个与mithridates vis相关的句子。

Mithridates vis的释义


例句:Because, as an Indian man, you have about two years of life expectancy advantage vis-a-vis Indian women. (因为,作为印度男人, 你比印度的女人 拥有大约xx年长的寿命。)


例句:The recognition and sensing properties of these receptors were studied by the cyclic voltammetry and UV-vis techniques. (并采用循环伏安技术和紫外滴定研究了它们对阴、阳离子的选择性识别。)


例句:Now, when looking at Africa vis-a-vis other things, and countries in Africa vis-a-vis other things, comparisons become important. (好的,我们拿非洲和其它地方向比较 也拿非洲中的国家进行比较 对比显得很重要 )


例句:He will deputize for Denis Ranque, in particular in representing the Group vis vis key customers. (翻译:他将代表丹尼斯·兰克,尤其是泰利斯集团面对重要客户。)


mithridates vis一般作为名词使用,如在mithridates((mithridate 的复数) n.(古代的)万应解毒剂)、vis a vis([医]对面,相对)、vis([医] 力)等常见短语中出现较多。

mithridates(mithridate 的复数) n.(古代的)万应解毒剂
vis a vis[医]对面,相对
vis[医] 力
Mithridates Eupator[网络] 米特利达谛
Mithridates the Great[网络] 弥合伟大
mithridates the greats[网络] 弥合伟大\n(mithridates the great 的复数)
edward visun. 爱德华六世(1537-1553,英王,在位期间1547-1553,亨利八世之子)\n(edward vi 的复数)
george visun. 乔治六世(1895-1952,英王,在位期间1936-1952)\n(george vi 的复数)


1. Now, when looking at Africa vis-a-vis other things, and countries in Africa vis-a-vis other things, comparisons become important. (翻译:好的,我们拿非洲和其它地方向比较 也拿非洲中的国家进行比较 对比显得很重要 )

2. He will deputize for Denis Ranque, in particular in representing the Group vis vis key customers. (翻译:他将代表丹尼斯·兰克,尤其是泰利斯集团面对重要客户。)

3. UV-Vis Absorption Study of Vacuum Vapor Deposited Lead Phthalocyanine and Vanadyl Phthalocyanine Nanometer Multilayered-film (翻译:真空沉积酞菁铅和酞菁氧钒层状纳米复合膜的吸收光谱研究)

4. Growth and Stabilization of Silver Nanoplates in Aqueous Solvent Monitored Through UV-Vis Spectra (翻译:利用紫外-可见光谱研究水溶液中银纳米盘的生长过程及稳定性)

5. There's an entire weight of history vis-a-vis aid that now needs to be reexamined. (翻译:面对面援助 有一个历史的重量 这现在需要被重新检验。)

6. Besides, the possible formation mechanism and UV-vis spectra of anisotropic gold nanoparticles were throughly discussed. (翻译:同时,我们还深入分析了具有各向异性结构的金纳米粒子的紫外光谱并对生成机理进行了细致地讨论。)

7. China held a huge advantage in terms of human capital vis-a-vis India. (翻译:中国与印度相比 拥有了人力资源方面 巨大的优势 )

8. You're a musician. You're living in the arts district. You wear orange. (翻译:你是沼泽派 你穿着橘色的衣服 tu vis dans le Marais, tu portes du orange.)

9. According to the positioning approach, interfirm differences can be explained by firm's unique positions in their markets vis-a-vis the five competitive forces. (翻译:根据定位观,企业间差异可以由企业在其市场中相对于五种力量的独特地位来解释。)

10. See hi-vis boy over there? (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\bord1\shad0\b0}看到那边的制服马甲小哥了没 See hi -vis boy over there?)

11. It uses a graphical programming language, sometimes referred to as "G, " to create programs called virtual instruments, or VIs. (翻译:利用图形化编程语言,也称为G语言,来创建虚拟仪器程序或叫VI。)

12. Me and Hi-vis are getting thirsty in there. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\bord1\shad0\b0}我和马甲小哥在外面饥渴难耐了 Me and Hi -vis are getting thirsty in there.)

13. Your Honour, the applicability of societal intent... vis-a-vis individual action is well established. (翻译:你的荣誉,适用性 社会意向... VIS -A)

14. But for many years, until the late 1990s, China had an infrastructure disadvantage vis-a-vis India. (翻译:但是在很多年里, 直到xx年代, 中国的基础设施比印度 还比印度不足)

15. Doing the best things so... ? Net profitability aside, it's the client-retention rate that concerns me, vis-? vis maximizing return on sales. (翻译:Doing the best things so... 面对面销售利润的最大值 {\3cH202020}Vis)


mithridates vis作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、mithridates、vi/1、s等。

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