moatlike是什么意思 moatlike的中文翻译、读音、例句

moatlike是什么意思 moatlike的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:All right, be like your juvenile delinquent like this (be like your juvenile delinquent like this)


moatlike一般作为名词使用,如在moatlike fault(渠状断层)等常见短语中出现较多。

moatlike fault渠状断层


1. Yeah, that's from when you found the Fox Witch of Antwerp and sank her in the moat. (翻译:这是你们抓到安特卫普的狐狸女巫 把她沉到了护城河里)

2. I mean, why would a guy like Steve be with someone like me? No. (翻译:why would a guy like Steve be with someone like me?)

3. Take the Moat for the family, for our family, and I'll reconsider your position. (翻译:为家族拿下卡林湾 为了我们的家族 然后我就重新考虑你的地位)

4. Yeah. Well, I like music, I like science, (翻译:Well, I like music, I like science,)

5. Xijiang River is one part of Huangyan old moat . (翻译:黄岩西江河是黄岩老护城河的一部分。)

6. Like father like daughter, I guess. (翻译:Like father like daughter, I guess.)

7. What, like a miniature teleport... (翻译:People, like us? What, like a miniature teleport...)

8. Procambarus clarkii was not obtained in the Dokan Moat. (翻译:在多坎护城河中未获得克氏原螯虾。)

9. Certainly no one in the media would deny the attraction of living behind a deep moat, even if it is filled with sharks. (翻译:当然,媒体中没有人会否认围在深深的护城河里面过日子的吸引力,即使那河里满是鲨鱼在游来游去。)

10. You got a 325-foot drop into a moat full of crocodiles. (翻译:从这里跳下去 325英尺以下就是满是鳄鱼的护城河)

11. The body will go down and disappear under the water, and the murderers will then go down the pipe themselves, and swim across the moat. ' (翻译:尸体掉下去,消失在水下,然后杀人犯们也会顺着排水管下来,再游泳穿过护城河。)

12. If you like-a me, like I like-a you (翻译:If you like -a me, like I like -a you)

13. Squads of Roman defenders would carry portable flame throwers, spraying anyone trying to climb out of the moat. (翻译:罗马的小股防御部队还带有便携式喷火器, 喷向任何游出护城河的敌人。)

14. It is of great significance to identify the location of the moat precisely to protect, exhume and utilize the site further. (翻译:古护城河空间位置的精确测定对该遗址保护、继续发掘和开发利用具有重要意义。)

15. Some woman flipped out, threw her own kid in the moat. (翻译:有些女人发疯了, 把她自己的孩子在护城河。)

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