mobus是什么意思 mobus的中文翻译、读音、例句

mobus是什么意思 mobus的中文翻译、读音、例句







1. The mobus was used to store the valuable potion. 这个mobus被用来储存贵重的药剂。

2. The mobus was painted with intricate patterns. mobus被涂上了精细的图案。

3. The ancient Greeks used mobus to store wine. 古希腊人使用mobus来储存葡萄酒。

4. The mobus broke when it was accidentally dropped on the ground. 当 mobus不慎掉落到地面时,它被打破了。

5. She carefully poured the liquid into the mobus to avoid spilling it. 她小心翼翼地将液体倒入mobus中,以避免溅出来。


读音:mó bù sī


1. The angry mobus stormed the gates of the palace.(愤怒的暴民冲进宫殿的大门。)

2. The city was thrown into chaos as the mobus looted and burned buildings.(市内一片混乱,暴民抢劫和放火烧毁建筑物。)




例句:Figgs is right. The mob owns this town. (弗格斯是对的 这帮乌合之众才是这座城市的真正拥有者)


例句:One of the mob and that crooked lawyer of his, Prewitt. (一个帮派分子,还有平克的代理律师,普鲁伊特)


例句:It says, "The Midwest bookmaker with mob ties... (上面说: 与黑道有关连的 中西部下注者...)


1. It says, "The Midwest bookmaker with mob ties... (翻译:上面说: 与黑道有关连的 中西部下注者...)

2. We can't eat the blutenwursten and now an angry mob is after us. (翻译:我们不能吃的 blutenwursten 和现在一群愤怒的暴徒是在我们后面。)

3. You can't teach a disorderly mob. (翻译:你可没法用教育的手段来对付一群骚动的暴徒)

4. Besides, the two of us are no match for that cranky mob! (翻译:另外,我们俩也不是那个 暴躁的老家伙的对手!)

5. Does he know that my mob and Torelli's mob have just signed a secret pact to control... (翻译:他知道我和杜维利帮已签署了秘密协定 控制...)

6. Maybe I can help you out with your routine. The Mob, it's not for you. (翻译:或许我可以在你的最终面试舞蹈上帮助你 但是MOB帮,不适合你)

7. The king was burned in effigy by the angry mob. (翻译:国王的模拟像被愤怒的民众烧掉以泄心中的愤恨。)

8. The mob was baying for his blood, and... (翻译:那些暴徒恨不得吸干他的血 然后... The mob was baying for his blood, and...)

9. You find anything linking him to the Taiwanese mob? (翻译:你发现任何他跟台湾帮派 有瓜葛的线索吗?)

10. No, a mob is rising in size And they've been dying to scream (翻译:#不 暴民数量正在上升 他们在竭力呐喊#)

11. What's this I read about this "Mob Boss"? (翻译:对了,我最近在报上看到了 黑帮老大是部电影吗?)

12. Mob bosses, murderers, and thieves. (翻译:黑帮头目 凶杀犯 和小偷 {\1cHF0F0F0}{\3cH202020}Mob bosses, murderers, and thieves.)

13. Vince is rounding up a lynch mob. (翻译:文斯集结了一大群暴民 Vince is rounding up a lynch mob.)

14. Mob boss... not a nice guy. (翻译:黑帮老大... 可不好惹的 Mob boss... not a nice guy.)

15. By Jerry's fellow mob expert Manny Safier, (翻译:黑社会专家Manny Safier 在华盛顿一起对话)

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