momentaneously是什么意思 momentaneously的中文翻译、读音、例句

momentaneously是什么意思 momentaneously的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Women may be better at sniffing out biological ly relevant information from underarm sweat, a US study suggests. (美国一项研究显示,女性通过腋下气味识别生物性相关信息的能力很可能更强。)


例句! (要是他们真的有问题!)


1. LY: But we are working day and night trying to make this happen for the patients. (翻译:杨璐涵:但是我们已经夜以继日的 在为等待器官移植的病人 实现这个目标了。)

2. They fought heroical ly until they were finally captured. (翻译:他们英勇战斗直到最后被俘。)

3. He had acted heroical ly during the liner's evacuation. (翻译:他在班机撤退的期间表现得很英勇。)

4. The modifications of energy and momenta are better understood than the effects on distance. (翻译:至于对距离的影响,则比能量及动量的调整更难理解。)

5. If it wasn't for Sunny strength, we would all be swimming at sea because of the Navy attack. (翻译:如果没有sunny号的努力 我们都会被NEO海军的攻击葬身海底)

6. Neo-Darwinism, propagated in films like this. (翻译:新达尔文主义,就在象这样的影片中所宣传的那样)

7. Neo-Boudoir Art is the mainstream of contemporary female's painting in China. Xia Junna is one of the representatives of Neo-Boudoir Art. (翻译:新闺阁艺术是我国当代女性绘画的主流,夏俊娜是新闺阁艺术家的代表。)

8. LY: It would be irresponsible for me to give you any number. (翻译:杨璐涵:我觉得现在就给出一个 数字是很不负责任的。)

9. Space Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, Alternative. (翻译:太空摇滚,新迷幻,另类。)

10. They are the same: Nazis, neo-Nazis -- you can decide whether you want to put a "neo" there or not. (翻译:他们是一样的:纳粹,新纳粹—— 你可以决定是否要加“新”字在前面。)

11. Not neo-Nazis, not anti-Semites -- revisionists. (翻译:不是新纳粹, 不是反犹太主义者—— 而是修正主义者。)

12. Few people knew and trυly understood Jack as well as this man. (翻译:很少有人像下面这位先生一样认识和真正理解杰克)

13. You might have already heard Ly's legends at Mio. (翻译:大家可能都听说过 李仪龙在美奥时侯的传奇故事)

14. This year, the 5th American Idol is new- ly-publicated. (翻译:今年第五季“美国偶像”新鲜出炉。)

15. Design jsa social-ly conscous activity. (翻译:设计是项关注社会的行为。)

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