monocarpellary ovary是什么意思 monocarpellary ovary的中文翻译、读音、例句

monocarpellary ovary是什么意思 monocarpellary ovary的中文翻译、读音、例句

monocarpellary ovary的意思是"单心皮子房",其中文解释还有"单心皮子房"的意思,发音音标为[monocarpellaryovary],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到45个与monocarpellary ovary相关的例句。

Monocarpellary ovary的词典翻译


例句:The histological structure and development of the ovary of Penaeus vannamei was studied. (本文采用组织学方法研究南美白对虾的卵巢结构及其发育。)


monocarpellary ovary一般作为名词使用,如在monocarpellary(a. [植]一心皮的,单心皮的)、halfinferior ovary(半下位子房)、inferior ovary([医] 下位子房)等常见短语中出现较多。

monocarpellarya. [植]一心皮的,单心皮的
halfinferior ovary半下位子房
inferior ovary[医] 下位子房
monocarpous ovary单心皮子房
multilocular ovary多室子房
ovary wall子房壁
polycarpellary ovary多心皮子房
pseudomonomerous ovary[植] 假一基数子房
superior ovary[医] 上位子房


1. In a floral formula, an inferior ovary is denoted by a line above the gynoecium symbol and number. (翻译:写花程序时,下位子房的表示方法是在雌蕊的符号和数量上方画一条线。)

2. Ovary usually 3-loculed and placentation axile. (翻译:子房通常的3室和中轴胎座。)

3. In a floral formula a superior ovary is denoted by a line below the carpel number. (翻译:写花程序时,子房上位的表示方法是在心皮数下加一横线。)

4. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is defined as a syndrome of ovarian hyperandrogenism and chronic anovulation. (翻译:多囊卵巢综合征以雄激素过多和持续无排卵为特征。)

5. Blood tests and ovary scans only give women a few years' advance notice. (翻译:血液检测和卵巢扫描只能为女性提供提前几年的通告。)

6. Oviduct is located besides of unfix side of ovary that forms a hemicycle around ovary. (翻译:输卵管位于卵巢游离缘外侧,呈半圆形围绕着卵巢,输卵管壶腹部弯曲、峡部直; )

7. Follicular atresia is a common phenomenon in mammal ovary. In fact it is caused by apoptosis of ovary granulose cells. (翻译:卵泡闭锁是哺乳动物卵巢中一种普遍现象,其实质是由卵巢颗粒细胞凋亡造成的。)

8. There were many nectary pores on the ovary, and the pores extended into round at the gynoecium stage. (翻译:子房壁表面具有大量蜜腺孔,雌蕊期后蜜腺孔开口扩张成圆形。)

9. Sterile ovary globose, densely ferruginous villous. (翻译:不育的子房球状,密被具铁锈色长柔毛。)

10. FSH spurs egg maturation in ovary. (翻译:FSH催促卵细胞在卵巢的成熟。)

11. Due to the rarity of this tumor, the optimal treatment for carcinosarcoma of the ovary has not been determined. (翻译:由于这种肿瘤罕见,对卵巢癌肉瘤的最佳治疗尚未确定。)

12. Style not basally widened, terete, with a clear line of demarcation between ovary and style. (翻译:基部不花柱加宽,圆柱状,具清楚分界线在之间子房和花柱。)

13. The suitable nuclear gene type is very important to raise the penetrance of multi-ovary. (翻译:因此,欲提高小麦多子房性状表达的外显率,选择合适核型至关重要。)

14. Fruit The ripened OVARY of a flower that is usually formed following fertilization of the ovule. (翻译:显花植物的成熟子房,通常是胚珠受精后形成。)

15. And with menstruation what happens is the brain triggers the ovary to start producing an egg. (翻译:这意味着在月经期间, 大脑会触发卵巢 开始产生卵子。)

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