monocephalous是什么意思 monocephalous的中文翻译、读音、例句

monocephalous是什么意思 monocephalous的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:So nowadays, everyone could produce his mono product. (如今,每个人都能够生产自己的单功能产品。)


例句:Her next hit was "Tous mes copains ", issued on EP in 1962. (她的下一首热门歌曲是xx年发行在迷你专辑上的《我的所有朋友》。)


monocephalous一般作为名词使用,如在monocephalous rib(单头肋)等常见短语中出现较多。

monocephalous rib单头肋


1. To separate the archive file mono-2.8.2.tar: tar -xvf mono-2.8.2.tar.bz2. (翻译:要分离存档文件mono - 2.8.2 . tar: tar - xvf mono - 2.8.2 . tar . bz 2。)

2. - He caught your halo and his name happens to be Halo too. (翻译:-它接住了你的光环 而它的名字正好也叫光环)

3. In 2001, the group recorded their first demo EP, o Acaso do Erro. (翻译:在xx年,该集团已记录了他们的第一个演示的EP,澳阿卡索做误差。)

4. "Mono no aware" can be manifest in lots of life stories and moments and songs. (翻译:“Mono no aware”体现在 很多生活故事和瞬间 和歌曲中。)

5. That could be caused by anything, mono, exercise even. (翻译:我们会尽力提高警惕的 我们会用尽可行的每一种筛选工具)

6. HALO'S the beginning of it all, Julien. (翻译:副作用比减肥处方药还厉害 人们却还是蜂拥而上)

7. Gaode I seem to intercede to find his leadership, like halo! (翻译:搞得我似乎要找他领导说情一样,晕! )

8. No, on a SEAL mission, we once did a HALO jump. (翻译:不 我们执行海豹任务时做过高跳低开式跳伞)

9. A wide halo of pearly light can be seen around the dark moon . (翻译:可以看到一大片珍珠似的光晕围绕着暗弱的月球。)

10. The police took him anyway, put him in a halo. (翻译:不管怎样警察抓走了他 把他送进了牢房 The police took him anyway, put him in a halo.)

11. With the wings and the halo. (翻译:with the wings and the halo.)

12. This is Captain John Steakley... the surgery lens command. (翻译:总部,这是约翰‧斯特克利上校 ... 这里是Halo 6 Actual,听到吗?)

13. Binaries compiled on the Microsoft platform can be executed under Novell Mono. (翻译:微软平台上编译的可执行文件也可以在Novell Mono中执行。)

14. Do you attempt to find comfort in it's downfallen halo? (翻译:企图在它没落的荣光里找寻慰藉? )

15. Quality Standard: USP, EP, BP Uses: glucocorticoids, have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-toxin antibodies allelopathy. (翻译:质量标准:USP,EP,BP用途:糖皮质激素,具有抗炎、抗过敏、抗、抗体克作用。)

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