monoptychic glands是什么意思 monoptychic glands的中文翻译、读音、例句

monoptychic glands是什么意思 monoptychic glands的中文翻译、读音、例句

monoptychic glands通常被翻译为"腺、细胞"的意思,还经常被翻译为医,发音音标为[monoptychicglands],monoptychic glands是一个英语名词,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到41个与monoptychic glands相关的句子。

Monoptychic glands的中文翻译


例句:Spitters have venom glands and can spit secretions that slow or injure their prey. (喷吐者拥有有毒的唾液,并可以拖慢并伤害它们的猎物。)


例句:I do not know what it is, glands here and here. (我不知道这是什么,这里还有那里的什么什么腺.)


例句:Histologically, the dermoid sinus contains hair follicles , sebaceous glands, and sweat glands. (组织学上,皮窦包含着毛囊、皮脂腺及汗腺。)


例句:The compound exocrine glands first form glandular ducts, then ductuli and acinuses. (翻译:复腺的发育中先有腺管然后有腺管分支和腺泡; )


monoptychic glands一般作为名词使用,如在glands(n. 腺体(gland的复数);气封)、digestive glands(【解剖学、生理学】消化腺)、duct glands(管腺;有输送管的腺)等常见短语中出现较多。

glandsn. 腺体(gland的复数);气封
digestive glands【解剖学、生理学】消化腺
duct glands管腺;有输送管的腺
ductless glands[医] 无管腺, 内分泌腺
eccrine glands[医] 水液腺, [小]汗腺
ectodermal glands外胚层腺
duodenal glands[医] 十二指肠腺, 布伦内氏腺
epidermal glands表皮腺
epithelial glands[医] 上皮腺


1. Histologically, the dermoid sinus contains hair follicles , sebaceous glands, and sweat glands. (翻译:组织学上,皮窦包含着毛囊、皮脂腺及汗腺。)

2. The compound exocrine glands first form glandular ducts, then ductuli and acinuses. (翻译:复腺的发育中先有腺管然后有腺管分支和腺泡; )

3. Her glands are swollen. (翻译:她的腺体肿胀。)

4. Bandhas affect the endocrine glands. (翻译:收束影响了各个内分泌腺体。)

5. Nectar glands confluent and subtending bases of all stamens, median glands present, lateral ones annular. (翻译:蜜腺全部雄蕊的汇合和对着基部,中间的腺体宿存,侧生的环状。)

6. And if we notice down here, behind the optic chiasm several glands.... (翻译:请注意这里 在视觉神经的下方 有一些腺体...)

7. Seromucous glands contain both mucous and serous cells. (翻译:浆粘液腺既含有粘液性细胞,又含有浆液性细胞。)

8. They have spines on their fins. At the base of these spines are venom glands containing a neurotoxin. (翻译:因为它们是这儿新来的 本地鱼还不知道它们)

9. Toothy, sweaty, fractured joint, prostate glands disorder, bulging eyes... (翻译:牙痒痒汗多潮热脱发掉毛 前列腺发炎大眼无神)

10. Not to mention she has mammary glands that could nurse a family of 30. (翻译:更不用说她的爆乳了 估计能给一家三十口人喂奶)

11. marginal or intramarginal glands black, irregular, often between glandular cilia or fimbriae. (翻译:边缘的或近边缘内腺体黑色,不规则的,通常在具腺的纤毛或有毛缘之间。)

12. The achievements of our frontal lobes are undermined by the backwardness of our adrenal glands. (翻译:我们的落后的肾上腺将我们大脑额叶所取得的成就大打折扣。)

13. Glands on their wrists ... impregnate the cut bark with a pungent smell ... that acts as a territorial marker. (翻译:它们腕部的腺体 在划破的树皮上留下强烈气味 借以宣示地盘)

14. anthers oblong, nearly basifixed, dehiscing longitudinally, glands abaxial. (翻译:花药长圆形,近基着,纵向开裂,腺体背面。)

15. Females, like males, have in our bodies something called the adrenal glands. (翻译:体内有一个器官叫做肾上腺 它在我们身体的后端 )

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