mooring pale是什么意思 mooring pale的中文翻译、读音、例句

mooring pale是什么意思 mooring pale的中文翻译、读音、例句

mooring pale在中文中有"码头系缆桩"的意思,在日常中也代表"网络"的意思,在线读音是[mooringpale],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到71个与mooring pale相关的例句。

Mooring pale的释义


例句:Bernadette turned deathly pale. (贝尔纳黛特变得如死般地惨白。)

例句:And mooring cables would thrum in the currents, like a guitar string. (固定用的缆索,像吉他弦一样,在水流中会振荡出声。)


mooring pale一般作为名词使用,如在pale(苍白的)、in pale(纵向排列)、the pale([网络] 苍原领;希达是位于英格兰辖区;希达是位于英格兰辖区)等常见短语中出现较多。

in pale纵向排列
the pale[网络] 苍原领;希达是位于英格兰辖区;希达是位于英格兰辖区
mooringn. 系泊, 系留, 停泊处, 系船处
English pale[网络] 英文苍白
inside the pale在…范围之内
leap the pale越界;做得过分;挥霍无度;入不敷出;负债
lemon pale[机] 柠檬苍白色
look pale面有菜色;面如土色


1. But this is beyond the pale! (翻译:可这次是最最恶心的 But this is beyond the pale!)

2. As in death... The Horseman, the pale rider in the flesh. (翻译:the pale rider in the flesh.)

3. Streetlamp is leaking pale light. (翻译:街灯渗出苍白的光。)

4. Pale hands I loved beside the Shalimar (翻译:我爱的 洁白的手 就放在 Shalimar 香水旁)

5. The stowage and mooring of vessels and floating facilities shall be in conformity with the technical safety standards of the State. (翻译:船舶、浮动设施的配载和系固应当符合国家安全技术规范。)

6. Her face was taut and pale. (翻译:她神色紧张,脸色苍白。)

7. He cut the engine and grabbed the mooring lines. (翻译:他关掉发动机,抓住了系船的绳索。)

8. It has broken loose from its mooring and drifted into an upside-down position. (翻译:自由冒险飞行船失去了平衡目前正呈现倒立状态)

9. Safety Assessment of VLCC Unloading in Maoming Single Point Mooring System (翻译:茂名单点系泊系统接卸超巨型油轮的安全论证)

10. So pale turns the innocent (翻译:{\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}#So pale turns the innocent #)

11. The captain piloted the boat into a mooring. (翻译:船长把船驶向泊位。)

12. Nothing can seal better around a mooring line than a Red Valve Hawse pipe valve. (翻译:没有任何其他产品能够比美国红阀公司锚链管道阀门更有效地环绕密封缆索。)

13. The bedroom was decorated in pale pinks. (翻译:卧室涂成了淡粉红色。)

14. Petals white, greenish white, pale yellow, purple or pale blue, spatulate or obovate with a narrowly inflexed apex. (翻译:花瓣白色,带绿色白色,浅黄,紫色或浅蓝色的,匙形或倒卵形具狭内折的先端。)

15. ♪ Pale fountains fizzing forth pink gin ♪ (翻译:我不是那个真实的我 除非我站在优雅的人群里)

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