mounted是什么意思 mounted的中文翻译、读音、例句

mounted是什么意思 mounted的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词法

'mounted' 是一个过去分词形式,表示“骑在(动物)上”、“装配在(车辆、机器等)上”、“把(照片、画等)装裱在纸板上”等意思。它也可以作为形容词,表示“已经安装好的”、“固定在某物上的”、“骑马或骑车的”等意思。缩写词 'MTD' 则可能表示“月度”、“机械传动”、“移动设备测试”等意思。

2. 用法

'mounted' 作为过去分词通常与 have/has/had 等助动词连用,用来表示过去的完成时态;作为形容词可以修饰名词;缩写词 'MTD' 则在具体语境中通常表示某个特定的含义。

3. 同义词

'mounted' 的同义词包括:installed, fastened, attached, affixed, fixed, secured 等。缩写词 'MTD' 的同义词则需要根据具体语境来定。

4. 句式和例句

(1) 过去完成时态:“I had already mounted the photo on the cardboard before I realized I had made a spelling mistake.”(我在意识到自己拼写错误之前已经把照片装裱在了纸板上。)

(2) 形容词:“The mounted policeman patrolled the streets on his horse.”(骑着马的警察在马上巡逻。)

(3) 含义不同的缩写词例句:“The company's MTD for last year was $10 million.”(公司去年的月度目标是1000万美元。)“The engineer is responsible for testing the MTD for the new machine.”(工程师负责测试新机器的机械传动部分。)



1. The painting is mounted on the wall. (这幅画已经挂在墙上了。)

2. The camera is mounted on a tripod. (相机已经安装在三脚架上了。)

3. He mounted the horse and rode away. (他跨上马匹骑了走。)

4. The soldier mounted guard outside the building. (士兵在建筑物外站岗。)




例句:First cubic meter of concrete is mounted in the rollway of the future dam. (第一立方米混凝土被安放在未来的大坝的滚木坡上)


例句:Various variants of Panthers were converted and mounted with "Biwa". (各种变异的黑豹已改信,骑上以“Biwa”。)


例句:Keyboard; strings are plucked by plectra mounted on pivots. (有键盘;用安在枢轴上的琴拨弹奏琴弦。)


例句:The winner of the mounted joust and tournament champion Ulrich von Lichtenstein. (翻译:马上长枪大赛 和锦标赛的优胜者是 乌瑞克冯利顿斯坦)


mounted一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在field mounted([化] 现场安装)、flush mounted(un. 齐平安装的;嵌装\n[网络] 找平安装;暗装;嵌入安装式)、gang mounted(组装的)等常见短语中出现较多。

field mounted[化] 现场安装
flush mountedun. 齐平安装的;嵌装\n[网络] 找平安装;暗装;嵌入安装式
gang mounted组装的
gasket mounted板式连接的
integral mountedadj. 全悬挂的
linkage mounted[车辆] 悬挂式的
local mounted[化] 就地安装; 就地安装的
locally mounted地安装
masthead mounted(雷达收发机装于雷达天线架上)桅装
middle mountedun. 中间挂式的;中间悬挂式的


1. Keyboard; strings are plucked by plectra mounted on pivots. (翻译:有键盘;用安在枢轴上的琴拨弹奏琴弦。)

2. The winner of the mounted joust and tournament champion Ulrich von Lichtenstein. (翻译:马上长枪大赛 和锦标赛的优胜者是 乌瑞克冯利顿斯坦)

3. We're not safe till his head is mounted on my wall! (翻译:-不会 除非我们杀了他 否则永远都不会安全的)

4. The SpaceShipTwo will be mounted between the twin fuselages. (翻译:该太空船将安装双机身之间。)

5. On the tire with an inner tube, the valve is mounted on the tube. On the tubeless tire, the valve is mounted on the wheel rim. (翻译:有内胎式轮胎气门是直接做在内胎上的,无内胎式轮胎的气门安装在轮毂上。)

6. When the painting is done, it is mounted on a brocaded silk border. (翻译:当画作完成后,再给它镶上织锦的丝边。)

7. And in a display for all to see, mounted his severed head on a pike. (翻译:还把他的头刺在一根长矛上 展示给其他人看)

8. That's the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. (翻译:那是Royal Canadian Mounted警察.)

9. Mounted officers in the Quarter, air and patrol units everywhere else. (翻译:法语区那边都是骑警 其它地方布满了空中搜寻和巡逻队伍)

10. But the Japanese generals were unyielding as their military successes mounted. (翻译:但由于他们的军事胜利不断增长, 日本将军们十分强硬)

11. The crankcases are finished and mounted as are the crosshead guides. (翻译:完成的曲轴箱和安装的是十字头指南。)

12. Can be completed with MALM bedside table, to be mounted on the headboard. (翻译:可搭配马尔姆床边桌使用,安装在床头板上。)

13. You sat in a car seat that Nybakken had mounted on the wall. (翻译:你坐在一个车的座位上 是延贝肯已经安装在墙上。)

14. The live duck mounted the dead duck, and started to copulate. (翻译:活着的鸭子爬上了死去的鸭子身上, 然后开始交配。)

15. The picture is now ready to be mounted and framed. (翻译:这幅画现在可以装裱、配框了。)



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