muccus gland是什么意思 muccus gland的中文翻译、读音、例句

muccus gland是什么意思 muccus gland的中文翻译、读音、例句

muccus gland在英语中代表"粘液腺"的意思,还经常被翻译为粘液腺,在线发音:[muccusgland],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到34个与muccus gland相关的例句。

Muccus gland的词典翻译


例句:The polytene chromosomes found in the salivary gland cells are among the largest chromosomes known today. (唾液腺细胞中的多线染色体是目前已知的最大染色体之一。)


muccus gland一般作为名词使用,如在muccus([网络] 粘液)、gland(腺 )、digestive gland(消化腺)等常见短语中出现较多。

muccus[网络] 粘液
digestive gland消化腺
digital gland指状腺【即直肠腺】, 指状腺;直肠腺
duct gland有输送管的腺;管腺
ductless gland无管腺
eccrine gland外分泌腺
ecdysial gland[昆] 蜕皮腺
ecerine gland小汗腺


1. This article introduces the use of testing law division digital mammary gland images of the edge of mammary gland calcify point detection. (翻译:本文主要介绍运用阈值法和边缘检测法分割数字乳腺图像,实现对乳腺钙化点边缘的检测。)

2. Many tiny tubes connect each silk gland with a spinneret. (翻译:许多极细小的导管把每个造丝腺体与吐丝器相连。)

3. This diffusely enlarged thyroid gland is somewhat nodular. (翻译:弥漫性甲状腺肿在一定程度上是结节状。)

4. This kind of adenocarcinoma is usually undifferentiated with early metastasis through lymph gland. (翻译:这种腺癌通常在通过淋巴结转移的早期是未分化的。)

5. The digestive gland is a compound tubular gland having two kinds of cells: digestive cells and basophilic cells. (翻译:消化腺为复管腺,腺上皮有消化细胞和嗜碱性细胞两种类型。)

6. Sectioning through a lobe of excised thyroid gland reveals papillary carcinoma. (翻译:手术切除的甲状腺一侧叶的横断面可见甲状腺乳头状癌。)

7. Results The expression of laminin is relation to the different types of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the salivary gland. (翻译:结果腺样囊性癌组织分型与层粘连蛋白的表达密切相关。)

8. Experimental phenomenon and hypothesis of dedifferentiation, hyperplasia and remodeling oxyntic gland of parietal cells (翻译:壁细胞去分化增殖再构泌酸腺的实验现象及假说)

9. Objective To investigate the feasibility and safety of intraoral submandibular gland excision. (翻译:目的探讨口内入路颌下腺切除术可行性及手术安全性。)

10. bracts greenish brown, margin serrate, teeth with a stalked conical apical gland. (翻译:苞片褐绿色,边缘有锯齿,齿具圆锥状的柄顶端腺体。)

11. Either of two milk - secreting, glandular organs on the chest of a woman; the human mammary gland. (翻译:乳房,乳腺女人胸部两个分泌乳汁的腺状器官之一;人的乳腺。)

12. Saliva is secreted from the exocrine gland. (翻译:唾液是由外分泌腺分泌出来的。)

13. Objective: To discuss the development and histological character of 3 malformation fetus suprarenal gland. (翻译:目的:探讨三种畸形胎儿肾上腺发育及组织学特征。)

14. In the inner part of the forebrain sit the thalamus, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland. (翻译:前脑内部还有丘脑、下丘脑和垂体腺。)

15. There are many large and small mouth of the salivary gland, tonsil is one of them. (翻译:口腔内有许多大大小小的唾液腺,扁桃体是其中之一。)

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