muddying是什么意思 muddying的中文翻译、读音、例句

muddying是什么意思 muddying的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Your Honor, Mr. Haller is just muddying the waters with outrageous statements. (法官大人 Haller先生正用无理的陈述混淆视听)


例句:Muddying the waters further are scientific studies that have reached very different conclusions. (让人更迷惑的是科学研究的结果都各不相同。)


例句:The blunder, she said, reflected a broader muddying of the line between what is private and public online. (她说,这是失误,深思一个更广泛的会弄脏在私人的和公共在线之间的界限。)


例句:The blunder, she said, reflected a broader muddying of the line between what is private and public online. (翻译:她说,这是失误,深思一个更广泛的会弄脏在私人的和公共在线之间的界限。)


1. The blunder, she said, reflected a broader muddying of the line between what is private and public online. (翻译:她说,这是失误,深思一个更广泛的会弄脏在私人的和公共在线之间的界限。)

2. The blunder, she said, reflected a broader muddying of the line between what is private and public online. (翻译:她说,这是失误,深思一个更广泛的会弄脏在私人的和公共在线之间的界限。)

3. Muddying the picture is a contrast between the performance of 3-D movies in North America and overseas. (翻译:混乱的是,电影在北美和海外的3D票神鬼世界好玩吗房成绩会形成一个对比。)

4. Experts, he says, often do a better job of muddying these issues than of shedding light on them. (翻译:他说:专家经常做得更多的是使这些问题变得模糊,而不是去揭示它。)

5. I'd like to feel you can get to a stage where everyone just accepts the decision rather than muddying the waters. (翻译:我希望能达成一个任何人都能接受的处理决定,而非把事情弄糟。)

6. you are like a monster in the seas thrashing about in your streams, churning the water with your feet and muddying the streams. (翻译:现在你却像海中的大鱼。你冲出江河,用爪搅动诸水,使江河浑浊。)



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