mcwethy是什么意思 mcwethy的中文翻译、读音、例句

mcwethy是什么意思 mcwethy的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Bless us, O Lord, in these, Thy gifts which we receive from Thy bounty through Christ. (赐福我们,主啊 感谢您,将这些... 基督慷慨施舍的礼物赐予我们 阿门)


例句:During the process of Bayesian networks modeling, K2 and MCMC algorithms are utilized together. (在贝叶斯网络构造过程中,结合采用K2和MC - MC算法构建网络。)


1. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done On earth as in heaven (翻译:愿你的国降临 愿你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上)

2. Keep thy mind on our business! (翻译:你只管做我们的正事 [ Daniel ] Keep thy mind on our business!)

3. Thy lips [are] like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech [is] comely: thy temples [are] like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks. (翻译:你的唇好象一条朱红线,你的嘴也秀美。你的两太阳在帕子内如同一块石榴。)

4. Strange is thy pallor! strange thy dress. (翻译:你奇异的苍白,你奇异的衣衫。)

5. We will but laugh into thy lidless eyes? (翻译:我们只是对着你彻夜不眠的眼睛讪笑? )

6. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done On earth as it is in Heaven (翻译:汝阁临架,汝子承行于地 如于天儿,我等望汝)

7. Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. (翻译:thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.)

8. ♪ Here the rose that decks thy door (翻译:# 玫瑰装饰你的大门 # # Here the rose that decks thy door #)

9. Bless us, O Lord, and these, thy gifts, which we are about to receive from thy bounty. (翻译:主 求你降褔我们 并降福恩赐的 这顿晚餐)

10. Oh, Lucifer, listen to thy servant. (翻译:撒旦 倾听你的仆人 Oh, Lucifer, listen to thy servant.)

11. MC, there's a Mr. Phantom here to see you. (翻译:- 我明白 MC 有个Phantom先生来见你)

:我们谦卑地悔改 以求能浸淫在你的喜悦中 荣耀全归主之圣名)

13. "We bring thy garden, o mighty Lucifer, (翻译:我们来到您的花园 伟大的路西法 We bring thy garden, o mighty Lucifer,)

14. Oh, and you can keep Major McHuggles! (翻译:and you can keep Major Mc. Huggles!)

15. That will be the essence of thy punishment. (翻译:这是对你惩罚的实质 That will be the essence of thy punishment.)

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