multishock是什么意思 multishock的中文翻译、读音、例句

multishock是什么意思 multishock的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 英语:The stock market took a multishock hit due to the global pandemic in 2020.


2. 法语:L'entreprise a dû faire face à un multichoc, comprenant une grève, une perte de clientèle et une baisse des ventes.


3. 德语:Die Region wurde von einem Multishock getroffen, der aus Überschwemmungen, Erdrutschen und Waldbränden bestand.


4. 西班牙语:El paciente sufrió un multichoque debido a una infección grave y una reacción adversa al medicamento.


5. 意大利语:La città ha subito un multishock economico a causa della crisi finanziaria del paese.


6. 葡萄牙语:O multichoque climático, composto por tempestades, secas e ondas de calor, está afetando a produção agrícola do país.


7. 俄语:После серии неудачных и экономических событий, компания пережила множественный шок.


8. 韩语:국내 회사는 해외 경제 사정, 노동자 파업과 재난 등 다방면에서 멀티 쇼크를 겪었다.


9. 日语:国内の製造業者は、東日本大震災とタイ洪水による多重ショックに直面した。





例句:In fact, all of us are multi -- multi-local, multi-layered. (事实上,我们每一个人 都是多地方的,多层次的人。)


例句:So before the present is the new future, a bit about the past is that I grew up in a family that was multi-everything -- multi-racial, multi-cultural, black and white, Caribbean, Irish-American, German-American. (那样,现在的前面是一个新的未来, 关于我的一点儿过去是,我成长在一个家庭 有着多种-每一样东西-多种-种族,多种-文化 黑和白,加勒比海的, 爱尔兰美国人,德裔美国人。)


1. Tsung: Tests multi-protocol loads. (翻译:Tsung:测试多协议加载。)

2. I'm not a dark person. Killing human beings... (Chuckles) It just makes me... (翻译:我车钥匙 My car. 一个小时内我就会中毒性休克 toxic shock should shut me down within about an hour.)

3. A week is not enough data to extrapolate the effectiveness of TDD on a multi-month or multi-year project. (翻译:一个星期所产出的数据是没法衡量在长达数月或是数年的项目中TDD的效用的。)

4. Fortunately, I have a multi-step plan. (翻译:算你走运 我制定了多步计划 Fortunately, I have a multi -step plan.)

5. This is Jeff Han, and, I mean, that's multi-touch. (翻译:这是杰夫·韩,我的意思是,这就是多点触控。)

6. The Isolator ensures that the application code is not cluttered with the multi-tenant storage strategies and ensures that right multi-tenant strategy is applied. (翻译:Isolator能够保证应用程序代码不会受到多租赁存储策略的影响,并且保证应用正确的多租赁策略。)

7. The President wants to nominate a multi-billionaire in a struggling economy? (翻译:现在的经济如此萎靡不振 总统却想提名一个亿万富翁?)

8. Well, you know, in your pamphlets it says that we are a cloud-based multi-platform solution for user-focused compression. (翻译:你们拿到的小册子上写着 Well, you know, in your pamphlets it says that we are 我们是一个基于云端的多平台 a cloud based multi -platform solution)

9. It makes no sense to call this unipolar or multi-polar. (翻译:把这些叫做单极或者多极是没有 任何意义的。)

10. Alan, certified at multi's at 22, and jets at 28. (翻译:艾伦,获多次飞行认证,就22号吧 喷气机在28号)

11. "Multi-syllabuses with Multi-coursebooks" model is justified from both theoretical and empirical grounds. (翻译:本文从理论分析和实证研究两方面对“多纲多本”进行了全方位的论证。)

12. They work as enforcers for the multi-corps. (翻译:他们是多元部队政策的强制执行人 They work as enforcers for the multi -corps.)

13. There are a large number of multi-disciplinary centra at the University. (翻译:另外,隆德大学设有许多跨领域的研究中心。)

14. We have just been overflown by a low-altitude, multi-engined plane. (翻译:We have just been overflown by a multi -engine turboprop.)

15. The export of ZJU network has features of multi-access modes, volume users, multi-export ports. (翻译:浙江大学校园网络出口具有访问方式多样、用户群庞大、多个出口信道等特点。)

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