munayly是什么意思 munayly的中文翻译、读音、例句

munayly是什么意思 munayly的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Their daughter is quite plump but their son is positive ly elephantine. (他们的女儿很胖;可是儿子呢,简直像大象。)


例句:In the new mille ium, big girls only need a ly. (在新千年中,只有身强体壮的女孩儿才可去试一试。)


例句:He sits on my desk and... every day, he reminds me of Nay-Nay. (破布先生现在还在我桌上 ... 每一天 它都让我想起Nay -Nay)


munayly一般作为名词使用,如在Munayly([地名] 穆奈雷 ( 哈 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Munayly[地名] 穆奈雷 ( 哈 )


1. He sits on my desk and... every day, he reminds me of Nay-Nay. (翻译:破布先生现在还在我桌上 ... 每一天 它都让我想起Nay -Nay)

2. No one may speak or gesture aye or nay. (翻译:不许任何人说话... ...或做任何暗示)

3. Why are you so interested, nay, infatuated with this case? (翻译:你为何这么有兴趣... 不,应该说为何对本案如此着迷?)

4. LY: But we are working day and night trying to make this happen for the patients. (翻译:杨璐涵:但是我们已经夜以继日的 在为等待器官移植的病人 实现这个目标了。)

5. This is Tam Ly our resident Tsunami expert. Sent by the Gods. (翻译:她叫李态美,是上天派来的 她是我校的常驻海啸专家)

6. He had acted heroical ly during the liner's evacuation. (翻译:他在班机撤退的期间表现得很英勇。)

7. "You have no right to property and government, nay, not an opinion... (翻译:“资产和权利与你无缘 对那些你甚至无法置评”)

8. Nay, I have nothing to do there! (翻译:不! )

9. Design jsa social-ly conscous activity. (翻译:设计是项关注社会的行为。)

10. LY: It would be irresponsible for me to give you any number. (翻译:杨璐涵:我觉得现在就给出一个 数字是很不负责任的。)

! (翻译:要是他们真的有问题!)

12. Nay. We be privateers, not pirates, Master Gibbs. (翻译:我们是私掠船船员,可不是海盗,吉布斯先生)

13. "Ke", "mu", "ro", and the uppercase English key on the left side. (翻译:KE,MU,RO,还有左边的英文全角变换键)

14. You might have already heard Ly's legends at Mio. (翻译:大家可能都听说过 李仪龙在美奥时侯的传奇故事)

15. She does not say nay to Ray. (翻译:她根本无法拒绝Ray。你懂我的意思吧?)

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