mycenaean civilization是什么意思 mycenaean civilization的中文翻译、读音、例句

mycenaean civilization是什么意思 mycenaean civilization的中文翻译、读音、例句

mycenaean civilization通常被翻译为"迈锡尼文明"的意思,其中文解释还有"网络"的意思,发音音标为[mycenaeancivilization],mycenaean civilization来源于英语,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到86个与mycenaean civilization相关的例句。

Mycenaean civilization的释义


例句:Civilization is on the brink of apocalypse. (文明已濒临毁灭的边缘。)

例句:There are so many ways for a civilization to die. (How long will it live? 文明的灭绝有很多种方式 There are so many ways for a civilization to die.)


mycenaean civilization一般作为名词使用,如在Mycenaean civilization([网络] 迈锡尼文明)、Mycenaean(a. (希腊古都市)迈锡尼的, 迈锡尼文明的)、Mycenaean civilisation([网络] 迈锡尼文明)等常见短语中出现较多。

Mycenaean civilization[网络] 迈锡尼文明
Mycenaeana. (希腊古都市)迈锡尼的, 迈锡尼文明的
Mycenaean civilisation[网络] 迈锡尼文明
mycenaean civilisations[网络] 迈锡尼文明\n(mycenaean civilisation 的复数)
mycenaean civilizations[网络] 迈锡尼文明\n(mycenaean civilization 的复数)
Mycenaean culture[网络] 迈锡尼文化;迈锡尼文明
mycenaean cultures[网络] 迈锡尼文化;迈锡尼文明\n(mycenaean culture 的复数)
Mycenaean Greek[网络] 迈锡尼希腊语
Mycenaean language[网络] 迈锡尼语
economic civilization经济文化


1. Is as old as civilization. (翻译:自诞生文明起就一直存在 Is as old as civilization.)

2. Remember, we've only been an advanced civilization -- an industrial civilization, if you would -- for 200 years. (翻译:请记住,我们只不过是拥有进化的文明—— 以及工业文明的物种,如果你算时间那也只有xx年。)

3. In the twenty-first century BC, the land of the birth of Europe as early as the Minoan civilization and the Mycenaean civilization. (翻译:在公元前二十五世纪,这片土地诞生了欧洲最早的米诺斯文明及迈锡尼文明。)

4. Thesocial political civilization is an important part of the social civilization, as one of the essentials of the socialistic society. (翻译:社会主义政治文明是社会主义文明的重要组成部分,是社会主义社会的本质特征之一。)

5. Today, we have a single global civilization. (翻译:今天,人类迎来了全球文明的时代 Today, we have a single global civilization.)

6. The incan civilization and the mayan civilization, the aztecs civilization and called "Indian three ancient civilization" . (翻译:印加文明与玛雅文明、阿兹特克文明并称为“印第安三大古老文明”。)

7. But, ever since the dawn of civilization, people have craved for an understanding of the underlying order of the world. (翻译:但是 But, 自从文明的曙光降临大地 ever since the dawn of civilization, 人类便孜孜不倦地 people have craved for an understanding)

8. China is one of the earlies cradles of civilization and a visit to this ancient civilization had long been my dream. (翻译:中国是最古老的文明摇篮之一,访问这个文明古国是我梦寐以求的愿望。)

9. In the art of Mycenaean and Minoan times, the sphinx is a common motif: she is usually winged and crowned. (翻译:在希腊古代都市迈锡尼文明和克列特文明时期的艺术中,斯芬克斯是一个共同的主题:她通常是有翼的和戴有王冠。)

10. Indebted to the Egyptians and Mesopotamians, Minoan and Mycenaean Greece fashioned a wealthy, sophisticated commercial culture. (翻译:受惠于埃及人和美索布达米亚人,米诺斯和麦锡尼时期的希腊创造出一种富庶的、复杂的商业文化。)

11. It was a Hellenic civilization open to all. (翻译:这是一个帝国,不是土地与黄金的帝国,而是精神的帝国 这是希腊的文化...)

12. Everybody in the Mediterranean wanted it for the same reasons, and obviously, these Mycenaean sites had access to what they needed. (翻译:地中海地区的每个人因相同原因都要它,而且很显然,这些迈锡尼地点能满足他们的需求。)

:// (翻译://

14. More than any other underwater site so far, the find offers potential insights into the workings of Mycenaean society. (翻译:到目前为止与任何其他水下遗址相比,该发现能使人们对迈锡尼社会的运行方式有更多的理解。)

15. Fucking civilization is broken down. (翻译:Fucking civilization is broken down.)


mycenaean civilization作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、mycenaean、civilizations等。

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