narberth是什么意思 narberth的中文翻译、读音、例句

narberth是什么意思 narberth的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The dog looks so ferocious when it barks that the postman gives it a wide berth. (那条狗狂吠时看上去很凶恶,邮差对它敬而远之。)


例句:It'll berth at the asteroid end of Frontier I and be used as a beachhead. (只知道这次行动 就是停泊在这艘舰的 边境一号旁边的陨石)


例句:Your Majesty, the Loc-Nar is missing! (陛下, 控制线,全国房地产经纪人协会不见了!)


1. Your Majesty, the Loc-Nar is missing! (翻译:陛下, 控制线,全国房地产经纪人协会不见了!)

2. When two women war out a ham bowel each additional, the front door of this berth suddenly drive a hit to open. (翻译:就在两个女人互相争夺一根火腿肠的时候,这船舱的大门忽然被一脚踢开了。)

3. Mr Siff's company, Nar Test, employs 60 people and is expanding fast. (翻译:西弗先生的公司Nar Test雇佣了60人,而且正在快速扩张。)

4. Goldring booked a berth on the first boat he could. (翻译:戈德林在第一艘他能订到卧铺的船上订了个位子。)

5. Nar hun havde fundet dem, listede hun ind til dem og slog dem hardt over knoerne. (翻译:找到后,就悄悄进入他们的房间 使劲敲他们手上的骨节)

6. He is better. He can be moved to normal sick berth. He is very lucky (翻译:他的病情好转,可以移到普通病房了 他很走运!)

7. Lando's wealth waxed and waned over the next few years, as he came into possession of such oddities as a used starship lot on Nar Shaddaa. (翻译:在随后的几年里,兰多的财富几起几落,同时,他拥有过不少古怪的东西,比如纳沙达上的一座旧星际飞船场。)

8. Investors gave both the dollar and yen a wide berth as the euro rallied, knocking 0. 6 percent off the dollar index . (翻译:投资者因欧元大涨远离美元和日圆,打压美元指数.DXY跌0.)

9. I beseech thee to give him wide berth as he is pained by a riven heart torn asunder by the cruelty of an untrue maiden. (翻译:我恳求你能用宽怀的心胸 包容他那被假冒的处女 残忍的扯裂撕碎化为碎片的破碎的心)

10. I didn't know it was your berth. I would have armed myself. (翻译:我不知道这是你的铺位 不然我得好好武装一下我自己)

11. The Rossoneri had a say in the final Champions League spot as the result gave the side from Friuli the European berth. (翻译:由于刚刚参加完欧洲冠军联赛决赛的原因,红黑军团出征乌迪内斯时歇战了大部分主力。)

12. 13 girls in a berth is bad luck. 12 of you will have to get out. (翻译:13个女孩挤一张床会倒霉 你们12个人先走吧)

13. "Nathan James, rendezvous with tugs, vicinity of Coronado Bridge, Moor port side, Pier 3, berth 1. (翻译:内森·詹姆斯号 在科罗纳多大桥附近 和拖船汇合 停靠在左边 3号码头 1号锚位)

14. Mr McQueen, the lower berth in number four. (翻译:{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}赫克特·麦奎恩 美国商人的秘书 {\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}贝多斯 美国商人的男仆 麦奎恩先生 您在4号包厢下铺)

15. But, Den, with the Loc-Nar, you could've returned to Earth. (翻译:但是,书房与禄,全国房地产经纪人协会, 你可能已经返回地球。)

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