neophyrin是什么意思 neophyrin的中文翻译、读音、例句

neophyrin是什么意思 neophyrin的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Space Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, Alternative. (太空摇滚,新迷幻,另类。)


1. pH And if I change the pH and I've got a molecule that I'm interested in, it may not have an acidic moiety on it, but it could still care what the pH is, slightly. (翻译:如果我改变,得到我感兴趣的分子,或许就没有酸性的那一部分,但是仍然会考虑pH的影响或许很小。)

2. Now, the pH levels have to match within 18% for the seeds to take root. (翻译:现在,将pH水平必须在18%匹配 对于种子扎根。)

3. YR: Yes, with the final goal to take off, but with initial speed. (翻译:YR: 是的,最终的目标是要起飞 但是初始速度是那样的。)

4. Pure water is neutral with a pH of 7. (翻译:纯净水是中性的,PH值为7。)

5. Neo-Boudoir Art is the mainstream of contemporary female's painting in China. Xia Junna is one of the representatives of Neo-Boudoir Art. (翻译:新闺阁艺术是我国当代女性绘画的主流,夏俊娜是新闺阁艺术家的代表。)

6. They are the same: Nazis, neo-Nazis -- you can decide whether you want to put a "neo" there or not. (翻译:他们是一样的:纳粹,新纳粹—— 你可以决定是否要加“新”字在前面。)

7. Not neo-Nazis, not anti-Semites -- revisionists. (翻译:不是新纳粹, 不是反犹太主义者—— 而是修正主义者。)

8. I'm sure he's a simpering wuss with a Ph.D in style-over-substance. (翻译:外强中干的胆小鬼 with a Ph. D in style -over)

9. Now in the laboratory, if you take a clam and you put it in the pH that is -- not 8.1, which is the normal pH of seawater -- but 7.5, it dissolves in about three days. (翻译:现在在实验室里, 你把一个蛤蜊放到PH值 不是正常海水PH值 8.1的水里-- 而是7.5的水里, 它在约三天里就溶解了。)

10. And different pH values in the fermenter culture conditions, the EPS found in the pH 5 the highest biological activity. (翻译:而在控不同pH值发酵槽条件下培养,发现于pH5的多糖其生物活性最高。)

11. No measurable radiation, no bios, zero toxicity, pH normal. (翻译:没有衡量的辐射,没有任何的BIOS , 零毒性, pH值正常。)

12. Reduction of pH value enhance the decolor ability of XAD-16 resin on pear juice. (翻译:降低pH值可提高吸附树脂对酥梨汁的脱色能力;)

13. All results indicate that YR-Electromagnetic flow velocimeter can be pratically used to measure flow velocity in Yellow River. (翻译:试用表明,YR电磁流速仪在黄河上测流是可信的。)

14. The main components: oxidation potential ORP, PH, reactive oxygen, chlorine. (翻译:氧化电位ORP、PH、活性氧、有效氯。)

15. It needs to be around 7.5, the same pH as human tears. (翻译:它需要约7.5, 相同pH值的人的眼泪。)

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