neosurrealist是什么意思 neosurrealist的中文翻译、读音、例句

neosurrealist是什么意思 neosurrealist的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:His neo-cell research failed. (他的新造细胞理论虽然可行 但是研究却没有成功)


例句:The world today is neo-medieval, Mr Khanna believes. (肯纳先生认为当今世界进入了新中世纪时代。)


1. A new sighting from Australia, an N.E.O. Discovered by two astronomers Gibden and Bell. (翻译:在澳洲有新发现 两名天文学家,基顿和贝尔 看见了一颗NEO)

2. One way or another, Neo this war is going to end. (翻译:尼欧,无论怎样... ...这场战争会结束的)

3. Space Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, Alternative. (翻译:太空摇滚,新迷幻,另类。)

4. Still, Yeomans admits that the NEO search will likely continue for the foreseeable future. (翻译:约曼斯表示,在可预知的未来,对近地小行星的探测研究仍然会继续下去。)

5. Neo-Darwinism, propagated in films like this. (翻译:新达尔文主义,就在象这样的影片中所宣传的那样)

6. She joined a radical Neo-luddite group 2010. (翻译:她在xx年 加入一个反人工智能激进组织)

7. We're sending out a specialist team from ...N.E.O., our Near Earth Object Programme, to determine the source and composition of the impact object. (翻译:我们会派谴NEO的专家 NEO是近地天体研究中心的简称 专家队会分析 撞击物体的来源及成份)

8. For us to go back to normal, we have to gather information about Z and the New Navy. (翻译:唉 我们想要恢复原状的话 就要收集与NEO海军和Z有关的情报呢)

9. Is there a reason we're meeting him in neo-Bwana Land instead of his office? (翻译:有什么理由让我们在neo -Bwana天地 和他见面而不是他的办公室?)

10. If Neo 's the One then there'd have to be some kind of a miracle to stop me. (翻译:如果尼欧是救世主 就一定会发生奇迹阻止我)

11. There are fields, Neo, endless fields where human beings are no longer born. (翻译:它们开发出一望无际的场地 人类不再从娘胎出生)

12. The attempt to blackball it is neo - McCarthyism. (翻译:试图阻止它的是一股新麦卡锡主义。)

13. The neo-Socialists were a small right-wing group. (翻译:新社会主义者是一个小型的右翼团体。)

14. He says you must be lost. Are you lost Neo? (翻译:他说你一定是迷路了 你是不是迷路了,尼欧?)

15. CHAPTER FOUR: Xeric theme and neo tech theme architecture of WesternAsia. (翻译:第四章:西亚的沙漠主题和新技术主题建筑。)

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