nest symbionts是什么意思 nest symbionts的中文翻译、读音、例句

nest symbionts是什么意思 nest symbionts的中文翻译、读音、例句

nest symbionts的意思是"巢内共生物",在日常中也代表"巢内共生物"的意思,在线读音是[nestsymbionts],nest symbionts来源于英语,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到24个与nest symbionts相关的句子。

Nest symbionts的中文翻译


例句:Back to the nest before they also die. (Back to the nest before they also die. 要赶紧返回巢穴 不然也会死)


nest symbionts一般作为名词使用,如在symbionts((symbiont 的复数) n. 共生者\n[医] 共生生物)、tele symbionts(n. 远程共存程序)、nest(鸟巢 )等常见短语中出现较多。

symbionts(symbiont 的复数) n. 共生者\n[医] 共生生物
tele symbiontsn. 远程共存程序
on the nest[网络] 本义在抱窝
to nest[网络] 营巢;为…筑巢
drying nest干燥部分
Eagle Nest[地名] 伊格尔内斯特 ( 美 )
earthquake nest震巢
edible nest燕窝


1. We have fouled the nest and it is killing us! (翻译:我们已经污染了巢穴... 而它正在杀死我们)

2. It was suggested that the potential of optimum symbionts was promising. 3. (翻译:实验还表明,选择适当的共生组合对于防治沙漠化有很大潜力。)

3. They nest on a rocky place called Middle Island. (翻译:它们的巢穴在中部岛屿的岩石里 They nest on a rocky place called Middle Island.)

4. Arbuscular mycorrhizae are the most widespread mutualistic symbionts among the symbionts between plants and microbes. (翻译:摘要在植物与微生物的共生体中,最广泛的互惠共生体就是丛枝菌根。)

5. That was when the turtledove built its nest in my heart (翻译:从那时候开始我就决定了 要为这只青鹤造一个家)

6. Now, Dahl, I spotted a nice little nest for you. (翻译:Now, Dahl, I spotted a nice little nest for you. Dahl, 我帮你找到一个好据点)

7. And the nest maintenance workers just take all the toothpicks to the outer edge of the nest mound and leave them there. (翻译:这些蚂蚁把所有牙签都搬到 离蚁穴较远的地方。)

8. More like scratching from a rats' nest. (翻译:通风也全靠墙上一个玩意儿 And the air that comes out of that thing in the wall...)

9. You know... you're like a little bird that fell out of a nest, but you don't need the nest. (翻译:你知道的... 你就像一只小鸟 从巢中掉了下来 但你根本就不需要鸟巢)

10. Brackman petitioned the newly created UEF to free the rest of the Symbionts; they refused and sent an occupying force. (翻译:请愿博士布拉克曼新创建的UEF释放其余的共生,他们拒绝,并派遣占领军。)

11. And the nest maintenance workers just take all the toothpicks to the outer edge of the nest mound and leave them there. (翻译:这些蚂蚁把所有牙签都搬到 离蚁穴较远的地方。)

12. A neighbour deserts his nest. (翻译:一位邻居遗弃了自己的巢穴 {\3cH202020}A neighbour deserts his nest.)

13. Brad are the nest guys here Good, SWAT (翻译:布拉德是这里总部的人 好的 特警队 好的)

14. By the time the super-organism returns to its nest each day, (翻译:By the time the super organism returns to its nest each day, 当这个超级生物体返回巢穴)

15. The bird befouled its own nest. (翻译:鸟儿弄脏了它自己的鸟巢。)

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