neuron associationis是什么意思 neuron associationis的中文翻译、读音、例句

neuron associationis是什么意思 neuron associationis的中文翻译、读音、例句

neuron associationis在中文中有"联络神经元"的意思,还有联络神经元的意思,在线发音:[neuronassociationis],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到41个与neuron associationis相关的例句。

Neuron associationis的翻译


例句:So there is no neuron in my brain that is the same as another, and there is no neuron in my brain that is the same as in yours. (我大脑中的每个神经元都不相同, 我大脑中的神经元也不会和你的一样。)


neuron associationis一般作为名词使用,如在Neuron associationis(联络神经元)、Neurofibrae associationis(联络纤维)、neuron(神经元 )等常见短语中出现较多。

Neuron associationis联络神经元
Neurofibrae associationis联络纤维
tractus nervosi associationis[医] 联络束
dominant neuron优势神经元
dopaminergic neuron多巴胺能神经元
distributing neuron[医] 分布神经元
effector neuron[医] 效应神经元
efferent neuron[医] 传出神经元
electromotor neuron电动神经原


1. And in fact you need one laptop to do all the calculations just for one neuron. (翻译:实际上一台笔记本电脑 只够计算一个神经元用的。)

2. And in fact you need one laptop to do all the calculations just for one neuron. (翻译:实际上一台笔记本电脑 只够计算一个神经元用的。)

3. The clumps disrupt transport and communication along the neuron and drive the breakdown of connections within the brain. (翻译:这中断了沿着神经元的运输和交流, 也驱使中断大脑内部的联系。)

4. A biological neuron fires, maybe, at 200 hertz, 200 times a second. (翻译:一个生物神经元所发出的脉冲频率 大约位于 200 赫兹,每秒 200 次。)

5. They're the only neuron in the body that gets replaced regularly, every four to eight weeks. (翻译:并随时准备行动。他们是身体里唯一 被定期更新的神经元, 每四到八个星期更新一次。)

6. We are beginning to understand that the motor neuron may have a novel mechanism for degenerating. (翻译:我们开始了解,运动神经元的退化可能透过了一个新奇的机制。)

7. In this diagram, every node is a neuron, and every line is a connection. (翻译:在这幅图里,每个结都是一个神经元 每一条线都是一个连接)

8. Let's zoom in on one synapse, and keep your eyes on the interior of the green neuron. (翻译:我们把一个神经突触放大 大家注意看绿色的内部)

9. Result the NPY immunoreactive neuron in the RVL in rabbit was round or oval shape. (翻译:结果兔rvl的NPY免疫反应阳性神经元呈圆形或卵圆形。)

10. So he could see when a single neuron fires. (翻译:所以,他可以看到单个 神经元发出信号。)

11. Application of brilliant cresyl violet in demonstrating Nissl bodies of neuron in sciatic nerve injury (翻译:神经元尼氏染色法在坐骨神经损伤研究中的应用)

12. The scientific nitty-gritty appears in the journal Neuron this week. (翻译:科学真相刊登在了本周的“神经元”期刊上。)

13. The basic function of each neuron in the brain is to either excite or inhibit other neurons. (翻译:每个神经元的基本功能 就是或使兴奋或抑制其他的神经元。)

14. Gliacyte was more sensitive than neuron. A small number of enveloped virions were observed in nucleus and cytoplasm of gliacyte and neuron. (翻译:胶质细胞内的核衣壳多于神经元,胶质细胞和神经元的细胞质内和胞外可见少量有包膜的完整病毒。)

15. What determines whether a neuron is affecte by a specific neurotransmitter? (翻译:什么决定一个神经元的影响 由特定的神经递质? )

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