mechanical poisoning是什么意思 mechanical poisoning的中文翻译、读音、例句

mechanical poisoning是什么意思 mechanical poisoning的中文翻译、读音、例句

mechanical poisoning通常被翻译为"机械中毒"的意思,在英美地区还有"离子交换"的意思,发音音标为[mechanicalpoisoning],mechanical poisoning来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到29个与mechanical poisoning相关的例句。

Mechanical poisoning的词典翻译


例句:Intestinal discomfort could be an early sign of food poisoning. (肠道不适可能是食物中毒早期信号 Intestinal discomfort could be an early sign of food poisoning.)


例句:Now, atropine poisoning is sometimes very hard to tell ptomaine poisoning . (告诉你们,阿托品中毒有时很难与食物中毒区别开来。)


mechanical poisoning一般作为名词使用,如在poisoning(n. 中毒\n[医] 中毒)、mechanical(机械学的 )、dichloroethane poisoning(二氯乙烷中毒)等常见短语中出现较多。

poisoningn. 中毒\n[医] 中毒
dichloroethane poisoning二氯乙烷中毒
digitalis poisoning洋地黄类药物中毒;洋地黄中毒
diphosgene poisoning双光气中毒
drug poisoning[医] 药物中毒
domestic poisoning家庭中毒
dural poisoning[医] 铝镁合金中毒
epeiratoxine poisoning园蛛中毒; 园蛛毒素中毒


1. Study on the treatment of leucopenia by benzene poisoning with lithium carbonate and anisodamine (翻译:碳酸锂与山莨菪碱联合治疗苯中毒白细胞减少)

2. A mechanical heart to practise on. (翻译:我还是个木讷的傻小子 A mechanical heart to practise on.)

3. We have detected nitric acid poisoning in their bodies. (翻译:我根本就没有心情管那些 看样子 你的毒瘾犯了对吧)

4. Worst of all, there is no known remedy for a ricin poisoning. (翻译:最糟糕的是,现在还没有针对这种毒素的药方。)

5. That was in the report. Why was it changed to poisoning? (翻译:这已经写在报告里了 为什么变成中毒死亡了?)

6. His mother was poisoning him. (翻译:她的母亲在给他慢慢下毒 His mother was poisoning him.)

7. Clinical observation of tetramine poisoning in children by using unithiol (翻译:二巯基丙磺酸钠解救儿童毒鼠强中毒的临床观察)

8. When Penny got food poisoning, she threw up so loudly (翻译:当Penny食物中毒时 她呕吐声音特别大 When Penny got food poisoning, she threw up so loudly)

9. The body, to us, is not a mechanical entity, where mechanical-only solutions can address them. (翻译:尽管只有机械假肢 能恢复他们的功能缺陷, 们认为,假肢绝 不仅仅是冰冷的金属机械。)

10. That's a mechanical line. It's impossible, no one can pilot a mechanical. (翻译:这个不可能,那是机械运输线 在里面无法飞行)

11. I've been investigating the mystical causes of invisibility, but not the quantum-mechanical. (翻译:but not the quantum -mechanical.)

12. By most mechanical. And dirty hand... (翻译:以肮脏龌龊的匠人之手 By most mechanical and dirty hand...)

13. Happy, a mechanical prodigy. (翻译:乐乐 乐乐 机械天才 Happy, a mechanical prodigy.)

14. 90 confirmed cases of E. coli poisoning. (翻译:这都是源自工厂式农场的副产品 ...90宗确诊的艾氏大肠杆菌中毒病例)

15. Someone had been poisoning his food. (翻译:有人一直在他的食物里下毒。)

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