neutral atmosphere temperature是什么意思 neutral atmosphere temperatu

neutral atmosphere temperature是什么意思 neutral atmosphere temperatu

neutral atmosphere temperature的中文解释是"中性大气温度",还有中性大气温度的意思,发音音标为[neutralatmospheretemperature],neutral atmosphere temperature常被用作名词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到10个与neutral atmosphere temperature相关的句子。

Neutral atmosphere temperature的翻译


例句:The atmosphere got a little heavy there. (气氛变得有些沉重 The atmosphere got a little heavy there.)


neutral atmosphere temperature一般作为名词使用,如在neutral atmosphere(中性气氛[炉气])、neutral temperature(中立温度)、neutral atmosphere density(中性大气密度)等常见短语中出现较多。

neutral atmosphere中性气氛[炉气]
neutral temperature中立温度
neutral atmosphere density中性大气密度
neutral atmosphere model中性大气模式
the atmosphere[网络] 大气层;氛围;大气圈
temperature in入口温度
the temperature[网络] 温度;气温;这个温度
diffusion atmosphere扩散大气


1. carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (翻译:-- 都由二氧化碳组成 carbon dioxide -- in the atmosphere.)

2. From the body temperature and the degree of rigor mortis, (翻译:从体温和死后僵直程度推测 From the body temperature and the degree of rigor mortis,)

3. Feel any sudden drops in temperature? (翻译:感到温度突然下降之类的 {\3cH202020}Feel any sudden drops in temperature?)

4. Disyllable neutral-tone words usually be divided into two groups: regular neutral-tone words and habitual neutral-tone words. (翻译:双音节轻声词一般分为有规律轻声词和习惯轻声词两大类。)

5. Normally, it would be a question of temperature. (翻译:it would be a question of temperature.)

6. The perfect neutral is taupe. (翻译:灰褐色是最完美的中性颜色。)

7. My temperature is back to happiness. (翻译:我的温度又降回正常了 My temperature is back to happiness.)

8. Yes, sometimes some old wires give off energy in the atmosphere and provokes hallucinations and changes in temperature. (翻译:是的,有时一些旧电线放出能量在大气中 并引发幻觉和温度变化。)

9. We back-channel for our bosses, turn down the temperature, keep the peace. (翻译:-channel for our bosses, 给局势降温 保持和平 turn down the temperature, keep the peace.)

10. neutral, TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, file is missing (翻译:中性的,中立的TypeName,公钥存储在中性,文件丢失)

11. Referee Jersey Joe Walcott is trying to get Ali to a neutral corner. (翻译:裁判要阿里回到中立角 Referee Jersey Joe Walcott is trying to get Ali to a neutral corner.)

12. The vent temperature is nearing 400 degrees. (翻译:The vent temperature is nearing 400 degrees.)

13. is the only temperature I come in. (翻译:我才会进去 is the only temperature I come in.)

14. The mesomeric reaction of L-cystine is greatly affected by the neutralizing temperature and rate as well as the basicity of neutral agent. (翻译:中和温度中和速率和中和剂的碱性强弱对L-胱氨酸的消旋化反应影响极大。)

15. High Temperature Corrosion of NiCr Alloys in Chlorination-oxidation Atmosphere (翻译:NiCr合金在含氯氧化性气氛中的高温腐蚀)

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