ngoula是什么意思 ngoula的中文翻译、读音、例句

ngoula是什么意思 ngoula的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:At least 2 years or more relevant work experiences in NGOs or INGOs, experienced in outreach work preferable. (至少xx年在相关NGO或INGO工作的经验。优先考虑有外展工作经历者。)


例句:We weren't just laying an airfield and doing protection for an NGO. (我们不光是铺设机场 为一家非政府组织做保安工作)


例句:And the same process is just getting underway with NGOs in East Africa. (非洲东部的 NGO也在开始同样的步骤。)


ngoula一般作为名词使用,如在Ngoula([地名] 恩古拉 ( 加蓬 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Ngoula[地名] 恩古拉 ( 加蓬 )


1. And the same process is just getting underway with NGOs in East Africa. (翻译:非洲东部的 NGO也在开始同样的步骤。)

2. I had somebody from an NGO once describe it to me as bowling in the dark. (翻译:我曾碰到一位非政府组织的工作人员, 他对我说,这就像是在黑暗里打保龄球, )

3. Here's what makes iubareþul of dried leaves .... (翻译:这里是什么使 IUB鉹é⺷l的干树叶... ...)

4. Women and children are very effective in terms of NGO campaigns. (翻译:在非政府组织的宣传手段中, 妇女和婴孩是非常管用的。)

5. Are you a journalist? NGO? Politics? (翻译:你是杂志记者吗?非政府组织?政界人士? )

6. There was none in place -- no tourist agent, no NGOs, nothing -- no eyewitnesses. (翻译:那儿什么都没有 — 没有旅行社,没有NGO,什么都没有, 没有目击者。)

7. So they wouldn't be provided thanks to the United States government and some NGO. (翻译:这样活动就不是 以美国政府和某个非政府组织的名义了,)

8. So the NGO, is part of the treatment. (翻译:ﺝﻼﻌﻟﺍ ﻦﻣ ﺀﺰﺟ ﻮﻫ ﻲﻋﻮﻄﺘﻟﺍ ﻞﻤﻌﻟﺍ)

9. These troops are under the command of Ngo Dinh Nhu, the President's brother. (翻译:发展至高峰 这些部队由吴廷琰指挥 总统的兄弟)

10. Long term goal : To be a national and international NGO combining education research , practice and commonweal . (翻译:长期目标:成为一个全国性、国际性的教育研究、实践和公益相结合的非盈利机构。)

11. This man was in an NGO feeding center, being helped as much as he could be helped. (翻译:这个人在国际非政府组织食疗中心, 他已经得到能得到的救助。)

12. But we also have to recognize business is not going to do this as effectively as if we have NGOs and government working in partnership with business. (翻译:但是我们也必须意识到 企业做不到 像有NGO和政府 进行合作一样有效开展。)

13. Oh, the minutes... the NGO thing is back-burner. (翻译:- 噢 那个会议... - 非政府组织尚属次要)

14. I set up a climate change NGO called The Climate Group. (翻译:我成立了一个与气候变化有关的非政府组织, 叫“气候集团”。)

15. Indeed, the kind of unique organizational entity of this age is this tremendous rise of NGOs and social organizations. (翻译:的确,这个时代特有的组织形式 就是NGO和各种社会组织 的飞速崛起 )

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