nicarb是什么意思 nicarb的中文翻译、读音、例句

nicarb是什么意思 nicarb的中文翻译、读音、例句


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例句:I haven't had a carb since 2004. (我从xx年 就再也没吸收过多余的热量)


例句:I can't, it's too painful, I'm like a small animal. (受不了了,好痛。)


例句:Electrochemical Anomalous Codeposition of Co-Ni Alloys from Sulfamate Electrolytes and its Mechanism (氨基磺酸体系Co-Ni合金电化学共沉积行为及动力学机理)


例句:The gas gets a little low in the carb sometimes, like running on fumes. (翻译:化油器里有时候会没有油 只靠最后几滴在跑)


nicarb一般作为名词使用,如在Nicarb(硝卡巴嗪,双硝苯脲二甲嘧啶醇)、nicarb process(氮化渗碳法)等常见短语中出现较多。

nicarb process氮化渗碳法


1. Electrochemical Anomalous Codeposition of Co-Ni Alloys from Sulfamate Electrolytes and its Mechanism (翻译:氨基磺酸体系Co-Ni合金电化学共沉积行为及动力学机理)

2. The gas gets a little low in the carb sometimes, like running on fumes. (翻译:化油器里有时候会没有油 只靠最后几滴在跑)

3. OK, mis ninos, everyone to bed. (翻译:OK, mis niños, everyone to bed.)

4. Huh Chun-hwa, Ahn Su-ni and Kim Haeng-guk. (翻译:Huh Chun -hwa, Ahn Su -ni 临Τ Kim Haeng)

5. Managing your stress will help you to stay in control with your eating and not to go on a carb rampage. (翻译:很好的控制你的压力有助于控制你的食欲,而不必一直纵情于食物。)

6. - No don't you start as well, Claude! (翻译:和弗朗索瓦·维庸 还有弗朗索瓦一世 Ni à François Villon, ni à François 1er. 你不会投降吧 克劳德 Tu vas pas te remettre. Non, Claude.)

7. Too sugary or carb-filled . (翻译:过多含糖或碳水化合物。)

8. Ni is the number of the members in the ith criteria group. (翻译:Ni是第i个标准组中成员的个数。)

9. Neither Monday nor Tuesdays, also not Wednesdays. (翻译:周一不换 周二不 周三也不 ni le lundi, ni le mardi, ni même le mercredi.)

10. Unless you're on one of these Californian low-carb diets, bread is standard. (翻译:除非你是那些加州低碳水化合物饮食者之一, 面包是标准的。)

11. You introduced me to An Ni 'cause you knew she'd lead us to Tiffin Olin. (翻译:你把我引见An Ni 因为你知道 她会把我们引向Tiffin Olin)

12. Application research of porous Ti- Ni shape memory alloys in the fields of medicine and shakeproof (翻译:多孔Ni-Ti形状记忆合金在医学和减震方面的应用研究)

13. Gotta carb up for my one-on-one with Miss French. (翻译:我要准备和French小姐的二人 约会计划了 你什么时候开始? Gotta carb up for my one -on)

14. But we cannot Neither you nor me (翻译:但是你我 都不可以 Mais on peut pas, ni toi ni moi)

15. Afraid the amped-up carb's gonna throw too much heat on the line. (翻译:我担心amped -up carb会让管子过热.)

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