nomophylactic是什么意思 nomophylactic的中文翻译、读音、例句

nomophylactic是什么意思 nomophylactic的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Why would they mop up the blood... (Why would they mop up the blood...)


例句:Use the scarf I made you to mop up the blood! (用我给你织的围巾... ...去擦血吧!)


1. Influence schizandra chinensis bail pulp to lactic acid bacteria and processing of yoghurt (翻译:五味子果浆对乳酸菌生长的影响及五味子酸奶的加工)

2. Converted to smoother lactic acid during malolactic fermentation. (翻译:在苹果乳酸发酵期间会转化为更圆滑的乳酸。)

3. How to Manage Lactic Acidemia in HIV-Infected Patients? (翻译:如何处理HIV感染病人的乳酸血症? )

4. It's the only mop that you're ever gonna buy, the best mop you're ever gonna use. (翻译:你只需买这一根拖把 这会是你用过的最好的拖把)

5. Ingredients: Lactic Acid, Salvia Offcinalis Saga, Limonene. (翻译:主要成分:乳酸,凤梨鼠尾草,柠檬烯。)

6. Isolation of an Amylolytic Lactic Acid Bacterium and Its Application on Lactic Acid Production from Kitchen Waste (翻译:解淀粉乳酸细菌在厨余垃圾乳酸发酵中的应用)

7. And I wrapped the oven cleaner around the edge of the mop handle and ... (翻译:我把烤箱清洁刷绑在拖把柄的一头 非常急切地 )

8. If you ever tell anyone that I changed in a mop closet... (翻译:要是你告诉别人 我在储物室里换衣服的事 If you ever tell anyone that I changed in a mop closet...)

9. There's not another mop on the market... that has as much absorbent cotton as this mop right here. (翻译:市面上没有第二款拖把 有吸水性这样强的全棉线)

10. And, and I gently exfoliated him with, with a mop. (翻译:我还用拖把轻柔地给他扫背了呢。)

11. The rag that pigheaded dry water can use when cleanness or mop are swabbed, must not bathe, also cannot clear with damp dishcloth or mop. (翻译:清洁时可用拧干水的抹布或拖把擦洗,千万不要用水洗,也不能用湿漉漉的抹布或拖把清理。)

12. Then scaled the walls with a mop, a fork... and various pilfered undergarments. (翻译:然后利用一个拖把和一个叉子 还有各种各样偷盗用的紧身衣 爬过了围墙)

13. Now, I gotta go..mop up your mess. (翻译:好 我现在给你收拾烂摊子 Now, I gotta go.. mop up your mess.)

14. BMI and WHR were higher in all groups with lipid disorder except in HY-C group. (翻译:除HY - C组外,其他血脂异常组患者的BMI和WHR均明显高于对照组。)

15. - You're not gonna go buy a mop right now. (翻译:过来 - 干嘛? 你不会现在要买拖把吧?)

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