noneconomic compulsion是什么意思 noneconomic compulsion的中文翻译、读音、例句

noneconomic compulsion是什么意思 noneconomic compulsion的中文翻译、读音、例句

noneconomic compulsion在中文中有"非经济强制"的意思,在英美地区还有"非经济强制"的意思,在线发音:[noneconomiccompulsion],noneconomic compulsion是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到15个与noneconomic compulsion相关的句子。

Noneconomic compulsion的释义


例句:As Paul notes later inchapter 9, it's not out of reluctance or compulsion that they gave, butrather out of joy, taking their own initiative. (如保罗接下来在第九章里说到的那样,这不是出于勉强,而是自己采取主动,出于乐意。)


noneconomic compulsion一般作为名词使用,如在noneconomic(a. 非经济的, 无实用价值的)、compulsion(强迫 )、noneconomic variable(非经济变量)等常见短语中出现较多。

noneconomica. 非经济的, 无实用价值的
noneconomic variable非经济变量
extraeconomic compulsion经济外强制;经济外强制
foreign compulsion外力强迫
minimum compulsion最狭义胁迫
Personal Compulsion人身强制
repetition compulsion强迫性复现症
supraeconomic compulsion超经济强制


1. When invited to a dinner party or wedding, we feel a strong compulsion to reciprocate, sometimes against our better judgement. (翻译:当被邀请参加一次晚宴或婚礼时,我们感觉到很大强迫去交换,有时不利于我们更好的判断。)

2. She shunned bodily ornamentation and strove to use only the natural movements of her body, undistorted by acrobatic exaggeration and stimulated only by internal compulsion. (翻译:她避开身体上的装饰,努力只使用身体的自然动作,不被杂技般的夸张所扭曲,只被内心的强迫所刺激。)

3. A self-described "Jeffersonian Marxist," Stone combined progressive politics, investigative zeal and a compulsion to tell the truth with a commitment to human rights and the exposure of injustice. (翻译:斯通自称是“杰斐逊马克思主义者”,他把进步的政治、调查的热情、说出真相的冲动与对人权和揭露不公正的承诺结合在一起。)

4. China also furthered long-standing noneconomic objectives in the run-up to the summit. In late October, Mr. (翻译:中国还在峰会召开前的活动中进一步推动了长期存在的非经济目标。)

5. I know there's nothing we can do about the compulsion, but maybe if we unwind the memories backwards, something might trigger something, and maybe they'll all come back, right? (翻译:我知道对于蛊惑 我们无能为力 但如果逆向解开记忆 可能会引发些什么 或许记忆就回来了 对吧?)

6. She would have been released from my compulsion when I died. (翻译:在我死时 我对她的 强制限行法力也失效了)

7. I guess you could say that it was half-repression and half-compulsion, and when you asked me why we left the academy in the first place, a part of me couldn't remember. (翻译:你可能会说那是半抑郁和 半强迫 如果你问我 为什么一开始我们就要离开学校)

8. From the minute I first laid eyes on it, I was lost, helpless completely caught up in this awful compulsion. (翻译:从我第一眼看到它起, 我就感到茫然无助... 完全被这可恶的欲望驱使.)

9. Now it seems there exists a growing compulsion to use that power... merely to beget more power. (翻译:现在似乎有一个趋势 想利用强权产生更多强权)

10. This compulsion will likely be his downfall and lead to his eventual capture. (翻译:硂贺眏穦旧璓ア毖 琵и程沧眔ъ)

11. You are under no compulsion to pay immediately. (翻译:没有人强迫你立刻付款。)

12. The lies, compulsion, prostitution. The grudge against her mother. (翻译:那些谎言, 强迫病, 卖淫, 对母亲的怨恨)

13. The tendency of many economists to sweep noneconomic factors into the dustbin of ceteris paribus is indeed regrettable. (翻译:许多经济学家倾向于将非经济因素视为垃圾,这真是令人遗憾。)

14. As emotional human beings, we feel a compulsion to personalise most aspects of life. (翻译:作为情感丰富的人类,我们不自觉地要使生活的方方面面人性化。)

15. Oh, and you can tell Alaric, if he wants to avoid a complicated relationship, he doesn't have to hide behind compulsion to do it. (翻译:还有 你带句话给Alaric 如果他不想谈恋爱 大可不必用蛊惑的手段)

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