nondiscretionary expenditures是什么意思 nondiscretionary expenditures

nondiscretionary expenditures是什么意思 nondiscretionary expenditures

nondiscretionary expenditures通常被翻译为"无选择支出"的意思,还有贸易的意思,发音是[nondiscretionaryexpenditures],nondiscretionary expenditures来源于英语,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到79个与nondiscretionary expenditures相关的句子。

Nondiscretionary expenditures的翻译


例句:Foolish expenditures bankrupted him. (胡乱花费使他破产。)


例句:And while I remain a tightwad on most things, I've become a more-liberal tipper and generally get less agitated about small expenditures. (尽管我在大部分事情上仍很吝啬,给的小费更多了,通常对小的花费也不再那么斤斤计较了。)


nondiscretionary expenditures一般作为名词使用,如在nondiscretionary(不可任意支配的)、expenditures(n. 花费( expenditure的复数形式 ); 使用; (尤指金钱的)支出额; (精力、时间、材料等的)耗费)、nondiscretionary trust(非全权信托)等常见短语中出现较多。

expendituresn. 花费( expenditure的复数形式 ); 使用; (尤指金钱的)支出额; (精力、时间、材料等的)耗费
nondiscretionary trust非全权信托
nondiscretionary trusts非全权信托\n(nondiscretionary trust 的复数)
discretionary expenditures自由支出
educational expenditures教育支出
estimate of expendituresun. 支出概算
estimated expenditures估计支出;支出概算
estimated of expendituresun. 支出概算书


1. ExxonMobil didn't write a billion-dollar check in one election, but the fossil fuel industries combined contributed $150 million to the 2012 election, and Common Cause tracked lobbying expenditures-- (翻译:埃克森美孚 没有写一个十亿检查。化石燃料行业投资 1.5亿xx年的选举。游说费用 在这里显示出来。)

2. It'll track your priorities, expenditures, your health, calendar. (翻译:它会帮你安排日程,管理支出, 照看身体, 提供日程表.)

3. For this population, that today is 2.3 trillion dollars and in 20 years is 60 percent of the GDP, we reduced health care expenditures by nearly 70 percent. (翻译:对这类人群而言, 现在是2.3万亿美元, xx年后是60%的GDP。我们降低了近70%的医疗保健支出。)

4. In the matter of public expenditures he was exceedingly careful, and he forbade all libels on the part of false informers, putting the mark of infamy on such as made false accusations. (翻译:对于公共经费的开支他非常小心,而且禁止任何告密者的虚假诽谤,和散布恶名做出的不实指控。)

5. I'm going to give you a personalized monthly accounting service, take care of all your bills and expenditures for a low 3.5% charge, guaranteed accurate, or we eat the difference. (翻译:我要给你个人每月会计服务 管理你所有的账单和开支 低价收取3.5%费用 保证准确 不然我们吃差额)

6. The district is responsible for ensuring that all activities and expenditures comply with TRF requirements. (翻译:地区有责任保证所有活动和费用都遵守扶轮基金会的要求。)

7. These two expenditures were not incurred in the same year. (翻译:这两笔开支不在一个年份。)

8. And, as the CMS actuary points out, the ACA will increase national health care expenditures. (翻译:正如CMS保险统计专家指出的那样,ACA将增加国民卫生保健开支。)

9. The money required to build new buildings and new campuses is significant and is referred to as capital outlay expenditures. (翻译:这笔钱需要创立新的建筑和新校区是重大的,被称为资本支出支出。)

10. And it's a conversation that had led us to crisis, to the biggest threat to the American way of life today, which is health care expenditures. (翻译:是这种对话导致我们走向了危机, 那就是对美国现代生活最大的威胁, 即医疗保健支出。)

11. Tax expenditures are the revenues forgone due to preferential tax treatment . (翻译:税收支出是由于税收优惠待遇而放弃的收入。)

12. "What you're going to see is a big slowdown in capital expenditures, " said Russ Rudish, a health care consultant for Deloitte. (翻译:底特律的一位医疗顾问,罗斯鲁迪丝说:“你将会看到资本经费的极大缩减。”)

13. I see no large upcoming expenditures unless they develop an affordable technology to fuse my skeleton with adamantium like Wolverine. (翻译:我看不会有什么大的开销 除非发明了负担得起的科技 可以让我的骨骼坚硬 像金刚狼一样)

14. There are administrative fees... infrastructure expenditures, and several extra costs. (翻译:有行政事业性收费... 基础设施支出, 和几个额外的费用。)

15. Then we'll minimize ourfront-end expenditures by outsourcing to a flex manufacturer in China. (翻译:这样我们就能从中国生产商外购 从而最小化整个过程的支出)

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