nondistorted是什么意思 nondistorted的中文翻译、读音、例句

nondistorted是什么意思 nondistorted的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Not the hay! What magic is this? (不要 干草不能丢 Non, pas le foin!)

例句:This little redheaded, non-fangy little guy? (Oh. This little redheaded, non -fangy little guy?)


1. These measures cannot be taken with non people. (翻译:这些措施得有人手才行 These measures cannot be taken with non people.)

2. The satellite dish and Wi-Fi were on the blink. (翻译:...non funzionavano parabola e WI -Fl...)

3. He has no wings or missiles. (翻译:他没有翅膀,没有导弹 ...non ha le ali, non ha missili...)

4. - Well, then, there you go. (翻译:-你看吧 - Non, non, non.)

5. Vegetarian, non-vegetarian... journey, um, yeah, uh... journey on which we send them with all our love and, and, and tremendous you know not obviously... (翻译:素食的 非素食的... vegetarian, non -vegetarian...)

6. Got an agitated non-compliant patient. (翻译:Got an agitated non -compliant patient.)

7. - Camille is for girls and boys. (翻译:-不 是男孩名 - Camille. - Non, un garçon.)

8. ♪ Wit the non-stop, pop, pop and stainless steel ♪ (翻译:♪ Wit the non -stop, pop, pop and stainless steel ♪)

9. Oh, no, you don't disturb, Maman. But ... (翻译:不 你不会妨碍我的 Mais non, tu dérangeras pas.)

10. "Wanting only to be liked, he distorted himself... (翻译:“只是希望能受人欢迎, 他无可估量地...)

11. - No, ham and mushrooms. And that costs 14.50? (翻译:不是 火腿和蘑菇 Non, jambon et champignons.)

12. while cases that seem to refute it are distorted, belittled, or ignored. (翻译:而那些似乎是反驳它的论点却被歪曲、贬低或忽视。)

13. In a very nonexploitive way, of course. (翻译:当然了 不会剥削利用你的 In a very non -exploitive way, of course.)

14. You would have been fined. (翻译:不然您准备交罚金吧 si non vous allez payer une amende!)

15. You know, your self-preservation instinct seems non-existent. (翻译:your self -preservation instinct seems non -existent.)

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