nonfunctional requirement是什么意思 nonfunctional requirement的中文翻译、读音

nonfunctional requirement是什么意思 nonfunctional requirement的中文翻译、读音

nonfunctional requirement的中文解释是"非功能性需求",作为名词时有"非功能性需求"的意思,单词读音音标为[nonfunctionalrequirement],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到89个与nonfunctional requirement相关的句子。

Nonfunctional requirement的词典翻译


例句:To disobedient company the worker amerce of overwork requirement breaks the law. (对不服从公司加班要求的职工罚款是违法的。)


nonfunctional requirement一般作为名词使用,如在nonfunctional([医]无功能的)、nonfunctional antigen(非功能性抗原)、nonfunctional characteristics(非功能特性)等常见短语中出现较多。

nonfunctional antigen非功能性抗原
nonfunctional characteristics非功能特性
nonfunctional test非功能测试
nonfunctional tumor无机能性肿瘤
no requirement[化] 无要求
requirement for[网络] 需要的东西;要求;的要求
requirement requirement engineering[计] 要求定义工程


1. We have requirement contracts with a lot of these companies. (翻译:我们和这些公司签的合同 都是有限制条款的)

2. However, that is also one of the fuzziest areas in your requirement specification. (翻译:然而,这也是在你的需求说明中最模糊的部分之一。)

3. Basilosaurus was undoubtedly a fully marine whale with possibly nonfunctional, or vestigial, hind legs. (翻译:龙王鲸无疑是一种完全海生的鲸鱼,它的后腿可能没有功能,或退化了。)

4. The nutritional requirement of growth of Lactarius deliciosus hypha was studied. (翻译:对松乳菇菌丝生长的营养需求进行研究。)

5. The synthese makes more is fit for the requirement in the industrial production. (翻译:使之更适合于工业生产的要求。)

6. But China more recently has enforced the WAPI requirement for handsets. (翻译:但之后,中国加强了对手机采用WAPI的要求。)

7. To customize the artificial humeral head according to the upwards requirement. (翻译:按以上要求定制个体化的人工肱骨头。)

8. Research on the nutrients requirement of abalone was reviewed. (翻译:本文对国内外鲍营养需求的研究进行了综述。)

9. What do you think about the following requirement statement? (翻译:你怎么看待下面的需求陈述? )

10. The FMP model is a model that includes requirement , structure and realization. (翻译:FMP是一个涵盖需求、结构和实现的界面模型。)

11. Qua-oity requirement of installation and tolerence paratmeters are recommended. (翻译:推荐安装质量要求及允许偏差,供参考。)

12. The effect of AIto maize market requirement, domestic and overseas trade (翻译:禽流感疫情对玉米市场需求及国内外贸易影响)

13. Our only requirement is that 100% go to the mission work. (翻译:我们唯一的要求 是100%去 团的工作。)

14. In a sense, every requirement on a BPI project is also a change request. (翻译:在某种意义上,BPI项目中的每一项需求都可以看作是一个变更请求。)

15. The plastic part produced in it has the precision meeting th design requirement and the part can meet the use requirement comple. . . (翻译:该模具运行灵活、可靠,制件精度达到了设计要求,完全可满足使用要求。)

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