nonnegotiable license是什么意思 nonnegotiable license的中文翻译、读音、例句

nonnegotiable license是什么意思 nonnegotiable license的中文翻译、读音、例句

nonnegotiable license在英语中代表"禁止转让之授权"的意思,在英美地区还有"禁止转让之授权"的意思,发音音标为[nonnegotiablelicense],nonnegotiable license常被用作名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到96个与nonnegotiable license相关的句子。

Nonnegotiable license的释义


例句:And get the license-plate number. (把车牌号记下来 {\3cH202020}And get the license -plate number.)


nonnegotiable license一般作为名词使用,如在nonnegotiable(a. 不可谈判的, 不可流通的)、nonnegotiable copy(un. 非流通副本\n[网络] 不可转让抄本)、nonnegotiable endorsement(不可转让的背书票据)等常见短语中出现较多。

nonnegotiablea. 不可谈判的, 不可流通的
nonnegotiable copyun. 非流通副本\n[网络] 不可转让抄本
nonnegotiable endorsement不可转让的背书票据
nonnegotiable property[法] 不融通物
license for向…颁发…许可证(或执照);批准;准许
nonnegotiable promissory noteun. 不可转让的期票
nonnegotiable treasury bondun. 不可转让的国库券
direct license[专利] 直接许可证


1. And companies that actually define a true north, things that are nonnegotiable whether times are good, bad, ugly -- doesn't matter. (翻译:那些能够找到自身方向的公司, 有着容不得商量的事情, 不管世道如何变化- 都不会改变的一些东西。)

2. The license number there on the back. (翻译:车牌号码在背面 The license number there on the back.)

3. An exclusive license forbids the licensor to sell the license to any other firm in some specific geographic areas. (翻译:独占许可证禁止许可证供方将许可证卖给一些特定地区的其他公司。)

4. License number 307702863401 . (翻译:-号码是307702863401 -这雨下得真烦啊 明天是我孙女的运动会啊)

5. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. (翻译:在这种情况下,许可证包含的限止条款和许可证正文一样有效。)

6. Well, Helen Morrison's fake license isn't even a license. (翻译:Helen Morrison的假驾照连驾照都算不上)

7. I mean, I could lose my license for this. (翻译:我是说 因为这事我执照可能都保不住 I mean, I could lose my license for this.)

8. Address, DMV, old license. (翻译:Address, DMV, old license.)

9. But doing so is nonnegotiable; we will have to find a way. (翻译:但是否要这样做也是不容磋商的; 我们必须找到办法。)

10. I got his license plate number. (翻译:我记住了他的车牌号码 I got his license plate number.)

11. And they've actually issued a pilot's license -- a powerlift pilot's license -- for this type of aircraft. (翻译:而且,联邦航空管理局已经颁发了特殊的飞行执照 “动力提升飞行员执照”——专门为这种飞行器。)

12. Give me your driving license. (翻译:给我你的驾照。Give me your driving license.)

13. Where are the license plates? (翻译:Where are the license plates? 车牌去哪了?)

14. ♪ last night a little angel (翻译:♪ I got a license for love ♪)

15. - I was taking poetic license. (翻译:白雪公主,我们七个小矮人 认为我们这辈子没得选)

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