my hat!是什么意思 my hat!的中文翻译、读音、例句

my hat!是什么意思 my hat!的中文翻译、读音、例句

my hat的意思是"哎呀、我的帽子",其中文解释还有"网络"的意思,在线读音是[myhat],my hat在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到14个与my hat相关的句子。

My hat的释义


例句:How talk about team adam, a group of fiercely determined and (- 这是我亲爱的Hi -Hat - 你们好)


例句:He tipped his hat and took a seat (He tipped his hat and took a seat)

例句:My comb, my hat, my gloves and my pretty powder on my pretty princess face. (我的梳子,我的皇冠,我的手套 还有我漂亮的小粉扑 擦在我漂亮的公主脸上)


例句:Which hat are you talking through now? (翻译:懂了 您到底把自个当什么? Which hat are you talking through now?)


my hat一般作为名词使用,如在My hat!(哎呀, 那才怪呢(用以表示惊讶或不信))、Eat my hat([网络] 情愿受罚)、my my([网络] 我的;马来西亚;我的天呀)等常见短语中出现较多。

My hat!哎呀, 那才怪呢(用以表示惊讶或不信)
Eat my hat[网络] 情愿受罚
my my[网络] 我的;马来西亚;我的天呀
for my[网络] 分钟制作美味巧克力甜点
My An[地名] 美安 ( 越 )
Hat'[地名] 哈季 ( 捷 )
in a hat陷入困境,进退维谷
in the hat戴帽子的


1. My comb, my hat, my gloves and my pretty powder on my pretty princess face. (翻译:我的梳子,我的皇冠,我的手套 还有我漂亮的小粉扑 擦在我漂亮的公主脸上)

2. Which hat are you talking through now? (翻译:懂了 您到底把自个当什么? Which hat are you talking through now?)

3. I reach into the hat and out comes... (翻译:我把手伸进帽子,拿出来... I reach into the hat and out comes...)

4. My is name Burce(Blus), Why is my hat is purple! (翻译:我的名字是蓝色,怎么帽子是紫色!原因我喜欢紫色!)

5. My drawing was not a picture of a hat . It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant . (翻译:我画的不是一顶帽子,而是一条正在消化一头大象的大蟒蛇。)

6. And keep your paws off my hat. (翻译:还有就是不要用你的爪子碰我的帽子 And keep your paws off my hat.)

7. You got a hat. Use your hat. I got my hat. (翻译:别站在太阳底下直晒,有帽子的话就带顶帽子)

8. Number two, remove your hat. (翻译:2号 摘掉你的帽子 Number two, remove your hat.)

9. Have you got my hat, or is that your hat? (翻译:你拿了我的帽子还是... You got my hat or... - 这是你的帽子吗?)

10. No, I don't want the hat. I still can't believe you lost my hat. (翻译:-我不想要这顶帽子 真受不了你把我的帽子弄丢了)

11. need my hat, my notebook and apes, my hat is on the chair, the note ison the floor, and my pen is. . . (翻译:我的帽子,笔记本和一支钢笔,我的帽子在椅子上,笔记本在地上,我的笔在…)

12. Your suit, hat, gloves, and some of my sugarplum pie. (翻译:你的外套,帽子,手套,还有些我做的糖果派。)

13. The bus, I can forgive. My hat? (翻译:我可以原谅你巴士的事 但是 我的帽子...)

14. Now, I put on my hat... then I put on my spectacles-- (翻译:现在呢,我戴上帽子... 然后再戴上眼镜...)

15. A gust of wind blew my hat off. (翻译:一阵风把我的帽子刮掉了。)

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