differentiable from above是什么意思 differentiable from above的中文翻译、读音

differentiable from above是什么意思 differentiable from above的中文翻译、读音

differentiable from above通常被翻译为"右方可微的、数学"的意思还经常被翻译为上方可微的发音音标为[differentiablefromabove]differentiable from above来源于德语在《德语ABC实用语法词典》中共找到46个与differentiable from above相关的句子

Differentiable from above的中文翻译


例句* What is there missing from me * (* What is there missing from me *)


例句Ich will alle uber das Loch bringen. (我会带领大家置身于洞之上I wanna bring everybody above the hole. 我们都希望活在洞上)


例句To save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray... (他会拯救我们于撒旦的魔掌 当我们误入迷途时)


differentiable from above一般作为名词使用如在differentiable from below([数学]从下面可微的从左面可微的)、differentiable from the left([数学]从下面可微的从左面可微的)、differentiable from the right([数学]右方可微的上方可微的)等常见短语中出现较多

differentiable from below[数学]从下面可微的从左面可微的
differentiable from the left[数学]从下面可微的从左面可微的
differentiable from the right[数学]右方可微的上方可微的
continuous from above[数学]右方连续的上方连续的右连续的
above it①在这上面 ②超出超过 ③在这期间 ④对此此外
above that①在这上面 ②超出超过 ③在这期间 ④对此此外
differentiable manifold微分流形 微分可能多样体
continuously differentiable[数学]连续可微的
partial differentiable偏微分的 偏导的 局部可微的 部分可微的


1. To save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray... (翻译他会拯救我们于撒旦的魔掌 当我们误入迷途时)

2. Das Weibchen muss einfach lossturmen. Sie befindet sich noch in Gefahr und nicht nur von oben. (翻译and not just from above. 但他有足够的力量将小海龟拖回自己的巢穴 {\3cH202020}but it has the strength to drag her into its lair.)

3. * Streets wet from rain near the park (翻译*公园旁的街道被雨淋湿* *Streets wet from rain near the park*)

4. Geheim uber meiner Gehaltsstufe. (翻译那是比我权限高的机密 Classified above my pay grade.)

5. Keine der Aussagen trifft zu. (翻译以上都不是 None of the above.)

6. Sein Job ubersteigt hundertfach Ihre Freigabe. (翻译他的权限可比你们高了不知道多少倍 His job is like 100 levels above your clearance.)

7. Der 68-seitige Bericht „Isolated in Yunnan Kachin Refugees from Burma in China’s Yunnan Province” b (翻译孤立无援落难在中国云南省的缅甸克钦族难民)

8. ♪ From the halls of Montezuma ♪ (翻译From the halls of Montezuma)

9. Die Turme befinden sich uber der Baumgrenze. (翻译那些油井架比树都高 The derricks are above the tree line.)

10. Heben Sie bitte alle Ihre Hande uber den Kopf. (翻译女生们先生们 Ladies and gentlemen 我要求接下来一分钟 I need every passenger to raise their hands above their heads)

11. Wir alle wollen ein Leben uber dem Loch. (翻译We all want to live above the hole. 真像句口号伙计们)

12. Kommt es von da wo du herkommst (翻译- It comes from where you come from - 不 是我生的火)

13. Wollte ein Landschaftsgartner sein. (翻译蔬菜上面 {\3cH202020}Above the veggies.)

14. Wahrend des Aufenthaltes im Gefangnis schrieb er Dichtungen die er unter dem Namen Poems from Priso (翻译在狱中他创作了许多诗歌后来全部收录在)

15. "An Introduction to Contract Tort and Restitution Statutes from 1865-1923" Das ist kein Dampfschiff. (翻译{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}好吧 {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}OK. {\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}《1865)


differentiable from above作为名词的时候其近义词以及反义词有right、differentiable等

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